Herding: Good point. I
Inferior Ni: My friend an ESFP is wonderous about my thoughts but disturbed by them in equal measure. SHe will talk to a point and then ask me why I bother thinking so much "overthinking" or thinking crazy.
Specific concerns about you: I have in the past but there are VERY few people that would even know about that. I expect some could have guessed, but in the main I would be who they wanted me and expected me to be. Apart from those I've told recently (willingly) only my partners would have klnown. I think anyone else owuld have been surprised I was so convincing. I would act the scene I was put in then go home and change like one of those masks that go from happy to sad.

The existential challenges of deep introspection: I agree .. it is a big step and one full of danger and challenges. I am not sure if I am just skimming the surface, because who knows how deep you go till you reach the bottom? But I haven't looked inside for 40 years fo rthe fear, so I think now is the time to start looking.
For peace of mind, this sounds like good advice to me .... not that you are talking about that degree of solitude (?) Monastery? No.
Inferior Ni: My friend an ESFP is wonderous about my thoughts but disturbed by them in equal measure. SHe will talk to a point and then ask me why I bother thinking so much "overthinking" or thinking crazy.
Specific concerns about you: I have in the past but there are VERY few people that would even know about that. I expect some could have guessed, but in the main I would be who they wanted me and expected me to be. Apart from those I've told recently (willingly) only my partners would have klnown. I think anyone else owuld have been surprised I was so convincing. I would act the scene I was put in then go home and change like one of those masks that go from happy to sad.

The existential challenges of deep introspection: I agree .. it is a big step and one full of danger and challenges. I am not sure if I am just skimming the surface, because who knows how deep you go till you reach the bottom? But I haven't looked inside for 40 years fo rthe fear, so I think now is the time to start looking.
For peace of mind, this sounds like good advice to me .... not that you are talking about that degree of solitude (?) Monastery? No.