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I have always had trouble showing love. It was not demonstrated to me very well.Question: Has anyone out there experienced negative feelings and gotten angry toward someone, only to hear something bad happened to them(the other person)? I found I could not allow my feelings to get out of control. I have to be careful what I think. If I think it, it is bound to happen.
Anger must be controlled at all costs. Anyone else out there witness things like this before? The spiritual mind knows better, and crossing the line in that mind costs dearly. There may have been some nasty coincidences...
Hey, such is life!
But I want to show Biblical love because I have finally reached that point after decades. I realize it is the only thing that can change a person positively. (Just my conclusion )
So I chose 1 Corinthians, the 13th chapter as my template.
For decades I could not get past the first phrase, "love is patient". Most of that time I was very often angry. So, I decided to really look at my actions -- where is my solution?
My conclusion is that I am always judging, EVERBODY. I thought that I could know their motive for wrong acting. I can't! I don't have any idea what they have gone through or are going through.
Thus, I have become patient with them, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Success! Patience! From there flows the next attribute, kindness...and on and on. My anger is flowing away and my love is increasing. I'm on my way. Blessed by God, and increasing in my potential to bless others.
I realize this is simple thinking, but I am a practical thinker. (simple). I'm simply thrilled!