[INFJ] New Philosophical Movement: Kellerinianism

New World Religion / Spiritual Movement / Societal Movement : youtube.com/KellerinaBacon

Revealing The Kellerinianism Movement! Also known as: BACON SPIRITUALITY! This is a NEW Movement! This is a societal, philisophical, political, spiritual, and soulful lifestyle movement aimed at reinventing society to be much more ideal for all humans. This ideology is original, unique, and vast! It is all about the truth and connecting to our highest potential as human souls. Kellerinians (aka: Bacon Spirituals) want to advance society and change the world for the better! The world needs a transformation towards full-circle fulfillment. The spiritual realm is calling upon Earthlings to rise up to our greatest potential! To begin and carry-out a new societal chapter that will help all human souls from now on and into the future. There is much freedom and fulfillment to be had that we are currently not tapping into. It is time to manifest a new freeing lifestyle that will make life better for everyone! There is much philosophical soulgold to be revealed. We want positive changes to take place throughout societies of the world. It starts with your mindset. This ideology is a healthy and healing extensive body of soulgold components that will collectively be the positive force that this world needs. Kellerinians (Bacon Spirituals) have a very healthy outlook on God and life!
~ Refreshing New Movement ~
(Just thought this fit here as well as anywhere. *shrug*)

Okay, guys. This is a stretch...

GWAR and Regional Identity in Richmond, VA | Dr. Michael Bishop | TEDxRVA


I think I get it - Gwar is about creative energy, similar to how Kellerina Bacon was metaphorically impregnated with the creative new theology for how humanity can be 'ran'.


Well I tried.

About Gwar - they do a good job of helping me to face my subconscious tendency to repress thoughts about how my digestive system would look like if it were visually represented on the outside of my body in humanoid form. For helping me to face my Jungian shadow-self, I am deeply grateful.

And for sharing the video, bless you Lurk. Blurk.

I think I get it - Gwar is about creative energy, similar to how Kellerina Bacon was metaphorically impregnated with the creative new theology for how humanity can be 'ran'.


Well I tried.

About Gwar - they do a good job of helping me to face my subconscious tendency to repress thoughts about how my digestive system would look like if it were visually represented on the outside of my body in humanoid form. For helping me to face my Jungian shadow-self, I am deeply grateful.

And for sharing the video, bless you Lurk. Blurk.

:openmouth: OMG! You see that too!:spinglomp:
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