- INFPishy
NFs, how would you describe your communication style?
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Idealist Communication
NFs are extremely sensitive to subtleties in gestures and metaphoric behavior not always visible to other types. He is also vulnerable to adding dimensions to communications which are not always shared or perceived by the commonly found SJs and the SPs. However these added dimensions are understood by the NTs and playful discussions about abstract ideas are found when NFs and NTs are lucky enough to find each other.
The zeal to connect disparate ideas is why the Idealist communication is often laced with metaphors, ascribing features to people and things that belong to other people and things - animate or inanimate, visible or invisible. NF's have no trouble saying this person is a devil, or that one is an angel. It isn't that the first person acts like a devil, he is one; and the other person doesn't simply have the attributes of an angel, she is one. And the sun smiles at us, a corporation is grasping, a train roars, and love is a rose. In just this way Gandi described his search for what he called "Absolute Truth": "The little fleeting glimpses...I have been able to have or Truth can hardley convey an idea of the indescribable lustre of Truth, a million times more intense than that of the sun we daily see with our eyes."
Beyond the vivid metaphor, Gandhi also shows the Idealists' charming habit of overstatement, quite the opposite of the Conceptualist's penchant for understatement. Idealist expression is rich in hyperbole and exaggeration, and at the same time short on gradation. NF's do not say they are "somewhat" interested in an idea, or dissatisfied "in some degree" with a person's behavior; they are totally fascinated or "completely" disgusted, "perfectly" delighted, or "absolutely" appalled.
While they tend to ignore degrees of gradation, Idealists are highly sensitive to the nuances of communication that qualify messages, the body language, facial expressions, and voice inflections which, quite often, the other character types are not even aware of. And NF's are so sensitive to subtleties of spoken language, finding implications and insinuations in the slightest remark. One consequence of this hypersensitivity is that now and then NF's make mistakes in attributing meanings to communications that are not intended by the senders.
Idealists are naturally inductive in their thought and speech, which is to say that they move quickly from the part to the whole, from a few particulars to sweeping generalizations, from the smallest sign of something to its entirety. With their focus on the unseen potentials, on the not visible and the not yet, Idealists show an extraordinary sensitivity to hints of things, mere suggestions, inklings, intimations, symbols. To be sure, such inductive inferences, requiring what is called the "intuitive leap", can be astonishing to others, especially in cases of mind reading and extra-sensory perception. At the very least, Idealists are the best suited of all the types to read between the lines, or to have a sixth sense about people, and they do indeeed follow theirr hunches, heed their feelings, and insist they "just know" what people are really up to, or what they really mean. Even with complicated issues NF's need hear only the first words of an explanation to feel they understand the subject fully, jumping from telling details to larger meanings.
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