The show How I Met Your Mother is all about an INFJ (played by Joshua Radnor) and his two friends who are ENFPs played by Jason Segal and Alyson Hannigan, and their other two friends one who is an ENTP/ESTP and one who is an ISTP. Watching that show was really useful to me, Joshua Radnor is supposedly an INFJ in real life too.
Radnor: "Obsessive worry and guilt are universal feelings."
Radnor: "The people in [my] movie have legitimate problems, and they learn to shift their perspective and find grace in the middle of those problems."
Radnor: "I accidentally read [a] book [Alicia Silverstone] gave me ... and that turned me into a vegetarian for about two years."
Lars Von Trier is also an INFJ, and I can really relate to him. Von Trier: "My contact with actresses is better [than with actors]. ... My [female] main characters are built on my own person. I think women are better, more understanding. This is my female side."
Von Trier: "I take a lot of responsibility, practically no matter who I'm with. Even for an interview to go well. ... I am very polite and well-mannered. Pretty shy of conflict, actually. ... Deep down I don't like my polite side."
[Interviewer: "Doesn't it bother you to disparage people?"]
Von Trier: "Not in the least. I'm practically psychopathic that way. And it's become a hero role where I think I do it on behalf of what I believe to be just."
Von Trier: "[Hitler]'s not what you would call a good guy, but I understand much about him, and I sympathize with him a little bit."