Do you suppose that NFs compromise there identity a lot in order to craft themselves into a more socially acceptable person?
I read somewhere, in
Please Understand Me actually, that NFs have a chamelion like personality and can adapt some of there quirks to fit a given situation. I have definitly experienced this, which is why I get sort of amused when people think they know me well, I am all like... "which mask were you talking about there buddy."
I have also heard other NFs mention something similar to this.
What about yous guys ?
For me, the opposite is the case. I have such a strong sense of identity and difficulty compromising any of that, that it has limited me in the sense that I choose not to wear a bunch of different masks just so I'll fit in. I really have absolutely no desire to "fit in" beyond just getting along with people in a civil and decent way.
This post comes about closest to how I am socially:
Bah! hahaha.
No. My mother has suggested that I read How To Win Friends And Influence People, because even she acknowledges my disagreeableness.
I tend to evoke a like-in-moderation or hate response from most people.
ha! Read that...along with a whole bunch of other books on the same topic and it doesn't matter what tools or behaviour practices they write about, I feel like I'm genetically incapable of putting on social masks. It's like to me, I think, "Why?? Why the hell would I want to win friends by being a certain way when that way isn't even really me?" So yeah, then i've got a bunch of so-called "friends" by being something I'm not. That's beneficial. Not.
The only friends I want are ones who truly know me and appreciate me for who I am.
As for influencing people..pffft...I have very little to no interest in influencing people, at least socially and personally. I'm a live and let live kind of person and too much of a loner. The only way that I'm interested in influence would be through education. If I learn something interesting or useful, I do like to share that for other's possible/hopeful benefit. If they take something from it and it's beneficial than that makes me feel great. If they don't well..c'est la vie.
Also, similar to alt ctrl del, I generally get very distinct like or dislike responses from people. There are those that are really drawn to me and like me right off the bat and they are rare. Then there is the vast majority that does not
get me at all (and within that group there's a lot that think I'm a bit of a freak) and then there are those that cannot stand me from the get-go. Those are
often, but not always, the people who where the most masks and know I can see through them.
I think the differences in responses within INFJs is down to the nurture thing and how we've chosen to exhibit our personality for deeper psychological reasons. I would theorize that Type 1 INFJs would be most likely to be adaptable and Type 5 INFJs (esp. sp type 5s) would be the least likely to care about social adaptation.
The way I'd describe myself, rather than being a social chameleon and donning masks, I'm very social awkward and to compensate for that, I don different hats, which would be bringing out whatever aspect of my personality seems to suit the occassion. I can be analytical. I can be intuitive. I can be a problem-solver. But, I'm always myself...just sometimes you are only getting the tip of the iceberg, which is on purpose. You think it's an iceberg...but you don't know what's underneath. Plus it's self preservation.