Ni v. Stereotyping

My mind is spinning in circles, and it needs closure. Is it an Ni-Ti loop? Am I an INFJ at all? Is the MBTI simply a bunch of BS?
The loop theory was developed by communities (such as this one) when their understanding of iNtuition was rendered illogical by the release of the Red book in 2009. It was merely an excuse to say that Ni worked in the same manner Ne did, which it does not. The "Ni-Ji loop" or "Ni paranoia" as they call it is nothing more than a Si-Ne conflict.

You are whatever type you want to be.
You are whatever type you want to be.

I am starting to realize that there are things more important to worry about than what type I am.

I have had conversations with people who claimed to be INFJs, and I thought that they probably weren't.

I only thought it was the one because it seemed to make the most sense, and it explained a few things about me that seemed a little contradictory on the surface.
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i would also like to say i think that Ni can be taken in supplement form for larger breastesesss for woman and mating organs for men. However, I would not advise taking while pregnant because your baby may become psychic and we'll have a whole 'nother rosemary's baby incident. I also would not take if your lactating because we might get another chicken incident as well. Really, I would only take Ni supplements if your pornography career ain't working out too well, and diet and exercise still leaves you bluffin' with your muffin (top.) When in doubt though wash it down with some vodka and sour cream and as you vomit up that disgusting mixture you may experience not only larger breastesesss and or penii but psychic visions of sugar plum fairies and other things to come.

i took some with cocaine earlier. so, just so you now, RON PAUL 2012@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

tik tok on the clock but the party dont stop no.

please stop being so funny. seriously.

i think your posts may be the only reason i've been logging on here lately.
Ni doesn't see the big picture.

Extroverted functions do.
Introverted functins are more detail-oriented.

Ni sees the thing being depicted and analyzes how each part relates to each other part, or something like that. There's no 'outside the box' - only looking at the box as a hypercube and viewing it from different angles, which can give rise to ideas which seem totally original but are actually not anything new, just a new way of looking at the same thing.

Of course, in Jung's original theory, that's more of an Si thing, I think..