Ni vs Se


Community Member
Strangely, a lot of people think I'm INFJ, and I did once too. I've heard INTJ's say I remind them of other INTJ's they know. However, no one knows how I operate.

When I develop websites (Coding or design, it does not matter), I prefer to work on one piece of code at the time, and then check to see how it turned out, in case something did not work out the way I thought it would. I develop something, and then test it, I develop some and then test it. If I had been Ni dominant, I would've just assumed that the website was alright for 50 pieces of code before I tested it, in fact, I might not even have bothered testing it until it was complete! Which, of course, would result in the entire website being ruined if as much as one piece of the code failed. I too plan ahead like Ni dominants, I too am imaginative, creative, enjoy concepts, and -can- if I want to develop websites without checking them out in the process, but my experience in the past has led me to understand how incredibly stupid it is to work on something without checking out the progress. In one hand it takes a lot of time to develop the website by checking out the progress all the time, but in the other hand it would be incredibly stupid if I didn't check it out, because if something got messed up I had put myself through 83748374 hours of work for NOTHING.

And this is why there's hardly any Ni-dominants. This is why when Ni-dominants work on something, and it fails, they scrap it, and start over.

Se is far more "nazi" on details in their work, as they work one column at the time, not the entire table of columns (think Excel here).

And yes, I do work with coding of websites, and I enjoy working with game development. I am a bona fide computer nerd. And, more importantly, I'm an extravert who can't stand being anywhere near people. I don't want to go out, I don't want to socialize. I'm a Sensor, who do not like hugging, cuddling, attention whores, and narrow-minded people. Funny, I know. But no, lets label me another intuitive
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The trouble is there is no Ni vs Se. Anyone that has one also has the other. NJs and SPs tend to empathise more easily because of this.
If I can visualize a code from start to end (which is usually), I don't need to test it because I already know it would work. All I need to do is put it down and run it.

Hm. You may be onto something.
Also of note: I test things out of habit (sort of OCD) but I always know it's going work, otherwise I wouldn't test it. So there you go.
Isn't coding reaally boring? Anyways~ I only have the problem that when I do something I turn it into something else... Like when you're writing a sentence! My sentence structures are so weird sometimes because actually they're like 2 sentences in 1 but while you're writing the first one you decide to write the other and then it only makes sense when I say it out loud to you. really, I'm serious.
I have found ESTPs to operate remarkably similarly to myself(INFJ) but the internal process is different. The only real obvious outward difference is they tend to not want to be completely alone and I need to be alone sometimes.

Also the whole thing about hugging I guess. I love hugs. Can't get enough.
Thing is, when I work on a system as complex as a forum for instance, and I want to implement my own modification into several different pages on the forum, I cannot simply let 500 strings of code on all those different pages just pass without checking them first, I cannot simply pretend "I know this will work out the way it should, because I have faith in my skills," because of course something can go wrong, something can always go wrong. It needs to be properly tested before I can continue with the next part of my code. Sometimes, I get caught up in other details of my modification like security, totally diverging from completing my modification as fast as I ought to.

- I have now fetched something from the database.
--> Can I run it, or does it give me an error?

- I have now added two parts from the database and multiplied it with *2.
--> Can I run it, or does it give me an error?

- (IDEA!) Maybe I should add an IF statement here for better security.
--> Can I run it, or does it give me an error?

A Ni dominant would not work this way. A Ni dominant would go "I have now fetched something from the database. I have now added two parts from the database and multiplied it with *2. I have now done this, and that. I have now made this page available on another page. And now I'm moving on to another page. I need to link this to that, and then that and that, and perhaps maybe use an IF statement here. Now I'm moving on to this. Et cetera." And Ni dominants will do this for hours, for hundreds of strings of code, before they eventually test it. If they care to test it that is, because they are literally THAT confident in their own conceptual work. However, if their concept fails now, after all this work, they have to revamp EVERYTHING. Sucks big time for them. I would never do it that way. Such a waste of time.

I just tutored my best friend in HTML. He's an ISTP. He always wanted to learn it he said, and now he's slowly advancing in it.

Computers. Gaming. Coding... they must be intuitive interests, they say. No, not at all, and far from it.
I have found ESTPs to operate remarkably similarly to myself(INFJ) but the internal process is different. The only real obvious outward difference is they tend to not want to be completely alone and I need to be alone sometimes.

Also the whole thing about hugging I guess. I love hugs. Can't get enough.

I can't stand being with people, in fact I can't stand people. I am not interested in socializing, I am not interested in action, I am not interested in cars or beach models. I am only interested in my own imagination, my own work, my own plans, my own little world; A world no one but me seems able to understand. I was misunderstood by my teachers, by my parents, and most of all my class mates from pre-school to high school. I was bullied, I felt like a loner, etc.

Doesn't make me less ESP.
I think the more important thing is not the fact that you test anthing. But that you're writing code. BLECH. talk about herro details. Not even like, easy details, but like parenthesis bracket 1=2a b c -boss+cscripts bracket parenthesis times 1000.


I find it humorous when people link Ni to imagination... Sure its a little bit true, but people get thrown off when an SJ has a great imagination.... Like, yeh.
I think the more important thing is not the fact that you test anthing. But that you're writing code. BLECH. talk about herro details. Not even like, easy details, but like parenthesis bracket 1=2a b c -boss+cscripts bracket parenthesis times 1000.


I find it humorous when people link Ni to imagination... Sure its a little bit true, but people get thrown off when an SJ has a great imagination.... Like, yeh.
Yes, it is rather odd, how ESP has gone from someone who likes to work efficiently, to being a prostitute who's only interested in action and glamor.
I like coding in PHP/MySQL.

I usually go step-by-step and test all the time, nothing ever works when you write all at once. >.<

I would never work as a programmer and I'm probably never going to do a big project though. I just like knowing how it works.

HTML is kind of boring. I need things to happend :(
Same. I consider PHP coding a lot of fun.
