Toonami on Cartoon Network, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Digimon,Power Rangers, All the Classic Cartoon Network shows, all the classic Nick Shows, The Simpsons, All That, Salute your Shorts, Kenan and Kel, Slime Time, Double Dare, Even Stevens, Kim Possible, Lizzie McGuire, Nick Jr., acting out all my favorite shows, When I didn't have to care abour my appearance, when I didn't have to work hard for my grades, Playing 2-Ball with the neighborhood kids, spending endless hours in my room with my friend recording ourselves sing on tape, like we were at a concert, Arthur, Reading all the Harry Potter books for the first time. Recess at school, When gas was $1.50, Making mudpies, playing Tag, Freeze Tag, Tv Tag, Hide and Seek, man hunt, four-square, dodge ball...until the porch light came on and you had to come in, Going to the beach every sunday, followed by Dairy Queen, Going to Busch gardens every year,
ahh childhood, the list could go on lol