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Irrational behavior is coming from both ends of the spectrum when it comes to Trump haters & Trump supporters alike.
I agree. As I said I'm a centrist.
Irrational behavior is coming from both ends of the spectrum when it comes to Trump haters & Trump supporters alike.
That's not a real thing.I agree. As I said I'm a centrist.
I do not think the tea party rioted and wrecked private property. I cannot remember one incident. So no it's not the same. The word "racist" has zero effect anymore it's been misused too much in this country.No different than the tea party shenanigans and other protests against Obama. There may be hooligans acting like poopie turds and damaging property, but many of the protests against Obama were racist as fuck....
I cannot remember one incident
Shhhhhhhh!!! Careful! You will wake the locals!
If that happens soon your thread will be full of mindless chatter and you won't be able to pick out a relevant post from all the nonrelevant drivel. Then you we be shunned and ridiculed in the back recesses of this forum for suggesting Hilary was not only the only choice but not an actual good choice for America.
Glad you came along to relay this message. I am sure the entire world will have seen this and adjusted their behavior accordingly to meet your viewpoint. Thank you for this public service.![]()
My purpose was to point out irrational behavior not to make people do what I say. I cannot possibly modify the behavior of one irrational person let alone hundreds of thousands.
I do not think the tea party rioted and wrecked private property. I cannot remember one incident. So no it's not the same. The word "racist" has zero effect anymore it's been misused too much in this country.
Yes there are and we're groups of people who hated him based solely on the pigmentation of his skin. You will never get rid of these types of people on both sides. Instead of pointing fingers at one another the citizens need to put their microscope on the government and see what it's up to on their behalf. Then hold it accountable by voting them out.
Calling more than half the nation deplorable's is no way to respect the people who employ you. They forget that we the American public through taxes make it possible for them to rule over us. We Americans are the fools here for allowing our employees to tell us how to run our country. It was never their job to rule over us we rule over them. We are the ones who will die in wars not them. We are the ones who work and produce profit. They plunder what is yours and the country sits like obedient dogs and wait for the scraps they allow us to keep. We need real citizens and all I see are lap dogs.
The word racist gets thrown around and used as a blanket statement to shut up the opposition Your either with them or your racist. Or a fascist or bigot or homophobes or whatever negative shock label they wish to assign to you.I can't remember being born. Does that mean it didn't happen? There were indeed reports of vandalism and protests turning violent with the tea party movement.
Different agenda, different sides of the aisle, different intention, same result: protests with a few dumb asses taking things too far and breaking stuff.
So does the word "racist" lack a definition now? Saying the word has no effect does not mean racism has disappeared.
The word racist gets thrown around and used as a blanket statement to shut up the opposition Your either with them or your racist. Or a fascist or bigot or homophobes or whatever negative shock label they wish to assign to you.
Since you don't remember that you were born maybe you also forget your own bad behavior? But do you have any bad behavior? What biases do you bring to the table? We all have them. Sadly no one wants to be honest with there own psychology. And look beyond the labels.
The questions that need to be addressed are should it be legal for the federal government to give a bailout to wall street at taxpayer expense?
Should congress pass legislation that they cannot even read in public in which they are told to simply pass it if they want to know what's in it. Who the hell signs laws and contracts without reading it and getting legal advice?
A nation of fools. As it stands now the government is working against the interests of the people. Both parties are screwing the American publics eyes out and still all I see is apathy.
The two party system is designed to separate and overcome not bring the country together. We need more than two voices to speak for all. There is zero reason to get along when you know evey few years you can change what has been done. America is in constant political turmoil. It's ridiculous and only divides the nation.
The word racist gets thrown around and used as a blanket statement to shut up the opposition Your either with them or your racist
But do you have any bad behavior? What biases do you bring to the table? We all have them. Sadly no one wants to be honest with there own psychology. And look beyond the labels
Yes although we had 8 years of liberal policies running this country and people are more decisive not less. Why is that? People hate more now than ever. We have been divided on purpose so that we can be controlled.Derp...derp...derp.
Totally...I am so much more informed by this is another - my way or the highway way of thinking, mind is already made up so what is the point of asking questions or starting the thread?
To put down others who don’t think like this guy or the previous above poster (EH) ^^^^ that I have quoted before this one.
If you think differently you get called names and demeaned by certain people.
It’s all very middle-school.
“Irrational behavior” - aka - what? Ignorance? Stupidity?
Was your purpose to point out your personal definition of “irrational behavior” so that everyone could be enlightened by your opinion?
What is the purpose of this thread other than to put down large groups of people you don’t agree with and have no open mind to listen to?
Your first post makes so many assumption about so many people I think you need to go back and reassess your own biases and privileges.
Can you put yourself in the shoes of another?
IMHO they just helped to fuel the hatred that has spread more violence across the country.
And there were violent clashes with protesters against them.
The incidences of racial/religious/LGBQT violence have gone up up up.
Black churches burned down...Mosques being burned down...people of those religions threatened with violence and shootings.
Bomb threats.
Abortion Doctors shot.
Religious interpretations being legislated and forced upon the population.
Legislating “religious freedom” aka the freedom to discriminate.
(Not to mention allows whomever teach our kids specific religious mistruths like the Earth being 5,000 years old and humans and dinosaurs living together...the Grand Canyon being carved by the great flood)
There is a racial divide when it comes to our criminal justice’s blatantly skewed in the favor of those who are white, or rich.
Blacks are more likely to be pulled over...more likely to be arrested, more likely to get sent to prison and are given longer sentences (as opposed to their white counterparts, who had committed the same crimes).
Not to mention the disparity in hiring practices, education, and other areas in the US is clearly racist as well.
This is being ignored by a good swath of the US.
I agree with your assessment of our is clearly run by big money of all kinds and not truly representative of the people.
I don’t disagree that Trump is the president, I just think that anyone who gets to that position now (especially after Citizen’s United) is clearly unfit to be there in the first place.
They don’t even try to hide the bribery and money whoring.
Alternative fact, perhaps? <--totally kidding...That's not a real thing.![]()
No different than the tea party shenanigans and other protests against Obama
Different agenda, different sides of the aisle, different intention, same result: protests with a few dumb asses taking things too far and breaking stuff
The actions are all the same it's just the interpretation that changes
Totally...I am so much more informed by this is another - my way or the highway way of thinking, mind is already made up so what is the point of asking questions or starting the thread?
To put down others who don’t think like this guy or the previous above poster (EH) ^^^^ that I have quoted before this one.
If you think differently you get called names and demeaned by certain people.
It’s all very middle-school.
“Irrational behavior” - aka - what? Ignorance? Stupidity?
Was your purpose to point out your personal definition of “irrational behavior” so that everyone could be enlightened by your opinion?
What is the purpose of this thread other than to put down large groups of people you don’t agree with and have no open mind to listen to?
Your first post makes so many assumption about so many people I think you need to go back and reassess your own biases and privileges.
Can you put yourself in the shoes of another?
IMHO they just helped to fuel the hatred that has spread more violence across the country.
And there were violent clashes with protesters against them.
The incidences of racial/religious/LGBQT violence have gone up up up.
Black churches burned down...Mosques being burned down...people of those religions threatened with violence and shootings.
Bomb threats.
Abortion Doctors shot.
Religious interpretations being legislated and forced upon the population.
Legislating “religious freedom” aka the freedom to discriminate.
(Not to mention allows whomever teach our kids specific religious mistruths like the Earth being 5,000 years old and humans and dinosaurs living together...the Grand Canyon being carved by the great flood)
There is a racial divide when it comes to our criminal justice’s blatantly skewed in the favor of those who are white, or rich.
Blacks are more likely to be pulled over...more likely to be arrested, more likely to get sent to prison and are given longer sentences (as opposed to their white counterparts, who had committed the same crimes).
Not to mention the disparity in hiring practices, education, and other areas in the US is clearly racist as well.
This is being ignored by a good swath of the US.
I agree with your assessment of our is clearly run by big money of all kinds and not truly representative of the people.
I don’t disagree that Trump is the president, I just think that anyone who gets to that position now (especially after Citizen’s United) is clearly unfit to be there in the first place.
They don’t even try to hide the bribery and money whoring.
Yes although we had 8 years of liberal policies running this country and people are more decisive not less. Why is that? People hate more now than ever. We have been divided on purpose so that we can be controlled.
I'm going to break this down as I see it. We humans bleed the same blood breathe the same air drink the same water eat the same foods have families and children.
We have the same tragedy and hopelessness. The same fears and anxieties. We are all one. We are all innocent and guilty. All liars and cheats. And most of all we all are hypocrites.
Until the human race stops lying and cheating one another nothing will change. If you follow human history you will see that man has always taken what was not his to take in the first place.
The land and everything on it belongs to God. Man is just the caretaker of eden. What a terrible bunch of selfish employees we are. We piss and shit where we eat without a care for anything else that relies on what we need. We are first in line to receive and last in line to return the favor.
We try to divide ourselves in a lame attempt to say our lies and behavior is less harmful than the other guy. As if there can be grey lines in murder and lying and making war.
Killing is killing and lying is lying for any purpose whether it is good or bad solely relies on if it supports ones own personal beliefs. They forget about another's right to disagree. They are blindly ignorant to the concept of opposing forces. That it takes one to know one. Everything in nature has an opposing force. And nature does not oppose itself it balances its self between the two forces. That should be our goal. To not oppose one another but to balance each other out. Why continue to psychologically kill one another with hate and negative vibrations. Humanity needs to take a long look into the mirror. That's all I'm saying.
America could be so much more if we only opened our hearts and minds again to one another and saw our neighbors as fellow Americans as fellow freedom fighters and supporters. As friends all traveling on the same journey of life. No one can be perfect here because to be perfect here you would have to been never born. A perfect man cannot exist in a world which relies on opposing forces. The actions are all the same it's just the interpretation that changes.
I don't have the energy to reply to everything you said. I didn't say anything other than pointing out the irrationality and the lack of a grip on reality they have. Especially saying not my president when he objectively is. I agree with neither side. I'm very troubled by Trump's NPD. I JUST DON'T SEE ANYTHING SENSICAL IN THEIR CONDUCT, FROM THE BERNIE SANDERS MANTRAS LONG AFTER THE CONVENTION TO THE NOT MY PRESIDENT PROTESTS. PROTEST HIS ACTIONS ALL YOU WANT BUT HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE.
Then what was your point?
To discuss what?
Many didn’t agree with either side...even people who registered with said parties.
The actions taken thus far in the administration are “nonsensical” by many peoples’ view.
And for many people, protesting is the only way they can have their voices heard.
This is why it’s a Constitutionally protected right.
Not a single person I know has been a supporter of any violent actions taken by anyone...protesting or not.
And for the record I have not been out protesting but I have been calling and writing my Congresspeople.
(is it supposed to be more forceful? or what? again what is your point here?)
The caos
The caps are because I'm tired of people failing to read what I'm saying. I think they should protest if they want. It's their right. But the phrase "not my president" is ridiculous. It's not just the phrase. It's the underlying irrationally that causes so many problems. If those same people had supported their party's nominee instead of stubbornly supporting Bernie when it was pointless, if they had not continued to help the GOP throw mud at HRC, then they wouldn't need to protest in the first place. That's that.
And so you see where I stand. I'm very pro life (within reason), but other than that I'm very socially liberal. I think fiscal responsibility is very important. I loathe Obamacare, but repealing Obamacare doesn't mean throwing millions out of coverage, it means making a new law that works. Liberal media portray it as if it's Obamacare or nothing. That's horseshit. Obamacare isn't even what Obama wanted he trimmed it extensively to please lobbyists.
As far as Trump goes I'm bothered by many things, especially their own made up reality, the confrontation of the press, the Russia thing. Trump's NPD. IT'S SCARY.
I hope this makes it clearer. Provided it was read properly.