Noticed anything today?

I noticed the people who need to attend anger management classes and the people who actually do attend anger management classes are vastly different numbers.
i noticed that i'm in a relationship. i'm not going to mention that i noticed it, i'm going to pretend i have no idea.
I noticed a wooden chair leg on the side walk. Then I noticed a chair that was missing a leg up in the tree over my head.
I've been noticing a lot of liquor and movies lately.
I noticed how very tired I am, and they still don't have any white shirts I like yet.
around myself, too.
I noticed that I'm sick and it isn't going away. /idon'tlikethis
I noticed when one's heart is inarticulate, it is difficult to function normally.
i noticed that i am not the same person i was three months ago. not that it's a complete surprise, but i became aware of it in the moment today. kind of a neat buzz
i noticed that i am always short a quarter for the washing machine. i have tons of dimes and nickels but i can't put them in the machine. ugh
I noticed there are some things I just have to allow myself the time to grieve. Some things only take a short time to come to terms with, yet other things can take years. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's okay to take all the time I need. This is me hugging myself :love:.
I noticed that some people make me react with fight or flight tendencies. Most often flight. It's not a healthy feeling.
I noticed today that I should probably find some friends.
My anxiety is out of control. :m074: So, time to make a deliberate effort to be calm, concentrate on my breathing, go for walks, ward off unnecessary worries. Stress can become like a shadow. Makes me feel sick.
I noticed [MENTION=3765]Vicarious[/MENTION] either has a nose for spam or gets left handeling the banning of spammers

I noticed [MENTION=1009]bamf[/MENTION] was online and wished we still spoke often and wanted to say Hi, but didn't.

I noticed that [MENTION=2434]Black Sheep[/MENTION] posted a witty reply on a thread and remembered a time when he used to post more often (still just as witty)