Noticed anything today?

Didn't work. Was supposed to be a picture of a male Eastern bluebird.

While I was blowing bubbles with my friends, I noticed two cute red squirrels scampering towards the tree nearest to me.
Oh, if only I had half the energy of a red squirrel....


I told my ex he better wait till I can stand watch with a hoe while he moves the pile of 20' roofing tin....because there would be snakes...specifically....Copperheads. Thankfully - he did.

Sure enough - there were 2 of them...AND...a big long rat snake. I don't care about the rat snake - he isn't poisonous. But omg - copperheads can kill you....and they were right there where we were putting our hands down to pick stuff up.

Woot! Us 2 pts! Copperheads 0! They're dead in the woods now. :D
today, I noticed..I'm the ex who was supposed to fade out of social events after the breakup...
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I have noticed that [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] might need some tall leather boots, a pair of gauntlet welding gloves, and a mini snake-bite kit.
I have noticed that @Kgal might need some tall leather boots, a pair of gauntlet welding gloves, and a mini snake-bite kit.


I was getting all interested when you talked about "tall leather boots".

It was very deflating when I read the rest of the objects needed....:w:
I noticed a lot of snake talk...
Im all out of beginners luck when it comes to swordfighting.
I'd like to understand more about this; world, my life, and reality - but I know the answers to my questions can't simply be "found". I will continue my search nevertheless, maybe the stars will answer me back one day...
I'm sitting here at the Sheriff's waiting room waiting to get fingerprinted as required to be licensed as a social worker in OR. They asked me to wait because they just brought in a woman who may fight them.

A few moments ago I heard a man tell someone "I said Come Here!!" In a very threatening tone.
Now my heart is racing and my fingers are trembling...

wearing the same pants three days in a row.... time to do the laundry
Standing on the porch listening to about 30 crows out in the pine forest around me they become synchronized with long caws. Then I hear a dog barking from the street on the other side of the strip of pines.

The crows stop all at once. The dog stops barking. Then the crows begin again all together randomly cawing and the dog barks too.

All of a sudden....silence...

Then I hear lone crow begins barking in crow sound....short rapid caw barks....then the dog barks and stops....

And the crow answered in the same rhythm and number of short caw barks.

I heard the dog and the crow do it three more times.

Now ain't that some shit?
I noticed that I dislike the sensation of my flannel pajama pants immediately upon getting out of bed. My bamboo turtleneck doesn't bother me, but those pants feel weird and uncomfortable.
For the second time, a post-it note on the same street sign saying "Smile, You're Beautiful!"

Needless to say, I took it and plan to write a post-it note replying "Sure, I Am!"
My 20 month old can now climb out of his pack n play/crib. O_O
The wrens are back building a nest in the garage.
I must remember to keep the side door open for them.

They are one of my favorite birds. They eat bugs, hop and flit with alacrity, and sing to each other all the time.

View attachment 12547

At this website you can click on Songs,Calls and hear them.


Was in the kitchen and heard new bird sounds coming from the direction of the garage. I crept up slowly to the side door and peered in zeroing in on the cheeping noises I heard. There they were! The wren family. Mom bird perched on some "fix your car kind of apparatus" and baby bird fluttering up to be near Mom then falling back to the garage floor. It looked like Mom was encouraging baby to fly thereby strengthening it's wings. I froze in place when Mom peered at me across her shoulder. Then slowly withdraw from view with a smile on my face. Being in the moment with nature is always so gratifying for me.
When one of the dogs came up to see what was going on I realized I needed to barricade them out. I retrieved a collapsed large dog cage and leaned it in front of the open door so no dogs can get in there - but the birds can fly in and out.
Now - the baby birds are safe to learn how to fly. :)