Now, can somebody type me?

Actually, these say ENFP to me. Notice the midpoints.

[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]-Ne[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]- [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Ni - these two are mixes of your Ne and Fi[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]- [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Fe - ....leaning Ni because your dominant is Ne[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]- [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Fi[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]- [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Se - this is a mix of your Ne and Si[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]- [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Ti - this is a mix of your Fi and Te[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][]- [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Te[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][]- [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Si[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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*hands Indy some label tape for his label maker, and cuddles ACD* Yup, definitely cuddly. :):m159:
I am so cuddly. I will burrow into your armpit for hours.
You're a monchhichi! :D


Seriously though, you're wonderful and beautiful just as you are. Whether ENFP, INFP, INTP, or xNxx, you're our alt. And we love ya for who you are.

And because of you I have the monchhichi theme song stuck in my head. :p
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Now, can someone type me?

You're a monchhichi! :D


Seriously though, you're wonderful and beautiful just as you are. Whether ENFP, INFP, INTP, or xNxx, you're our alt. And we love ya for who you are.

And because of you I have the monchhichi theme song stuck in my head. :p

^^^What Arbygil said. As always, she's eight on target, even the commercial.
Now, can someone type me?

I think the link is here, anica - I'm a little so-so on it. I like other tests better.

Any you could recommend? I'm constantly flip-flopping on type.
I'd have to say INFP as well, with so much development of other functions, that the edges have been blurred. You're effectively an INFP on her way to being xNxx (not really developing you S there, tsk tsk...).
Alright. An INFP with well developed functions it is. A Monchhichi INFP.

(I kind of like the song in the Monchichi dance 1 video. It's silly.)
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NT is apparent in the empathis I put on knowledge and competence for myself and anyone I'm considering respecting.
The typo in there is kind of ironic.

Remember that Ti is the tertiary process for INFJs and INFJs do commonly place a lot of emphasis on competence (usually in the form of perfection seeking behaviour). I guess the easiest way I can think of decide if you're NF or NT is to answer the following question; do you decide your stance on issues (that you are not emotionally very involved in, since then you might kick on Ti to make up for your own bias like I do) rationally, or do you start with a stance based on emotion and retrofit the intellectual basis?

Latter is INFJ. Although you seem to have decided on INFP already, I figured I might as well offer what little insight I have on the matter. Sorry I can't just throw out a "I think you are xxxx", I suck at typing other people like that.

Also, much :mlove2: to you. Whatever you are, you are awesome.
The typo in there is kind of ironic.
Ohhh you got me!
I like that.
I like your style.

I guess the easiest way I can think of decide if you're NF or NT is to answer the following question; do you decide your stance on issues (that you are not emotionally very involved in, since then you might kick on Ti to make up for your own bias like I do) rationally, or do you start with a stance based on emotion and retrofit the intellectual basis?

Hmmm. Hard to say. When it comes to people in my personal life, I have to think about whether they are a worthwhile ally/friend/ significant other. For example. Whenever I date someone, I am never infatuated at first. There is an interest, albeit a mildly apathetic one.. And I analyze them and determine whether I can allow my feelings to develop. Sometimes, I will know I like someone a lot but will not feel intensely. I will say to myself, I just have to wait until the feelings develop. As time goes on, the more I know about them and the more I can intuit a deepening bond between us the more I begin to feel for them.

On issues, I go by feelings. I can't really imagine an issue I'm not emotionally invested in. I'm a feminist because I'm a woman and I'm pissed about certain things.
I have communist leanings because industrialization and poverty enrage me. Etc. etc. I won't go into everything.
All things societal are interconnected and interdependant. I'm first and foremost a humanist, and that comes from the fact that I feel human beings are either a wonderful 'miracle' (for lack of better word) of chaos or a beautiful creation. (Haven't decided my stance theologically, yet.)

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I don't like the slider test because it called me bad names, such as ESTP.
I'd say more INFP.

You seem to use the Fi/Te combination more than the Ti/Fe combination. I have an ENTJ sister, and, though she is NT, a can see a lot of your goals reflected in hers, but you go about it different ways. She has a very strong Fi.

So basically, in terms of functions that you seem to use more frequently, I'd go with Fi/Te --> INFP
My impression is INFP, just from what I've read of the profile.