N's! How developed are your senses?

Sight - not too good. My right eye is especially bad (I wear glasses). I lose depth perception a lot, mostly on stairs. But I rely on sight heavily.
Hearing - I rely on this a bit, not too much. I spend too much time thinking to hear things well.
Touch - Low/average. I tend not to use touch much.
Smell - Appalling. It actually gets confused. For a whole year of college I could smell marzipan in the History class. No one else could =.=
Taste - I killed it long ago, with too much soy sauce...
I have a very strong N preference, but for me that just means that I can wander around completely unaware of my surroundings sometimes if I'm lost in thought or something like that. However when I consciously tune in my senses, they are very sharp. Whenever there's a good thunderstorm I love to sit out on the porch under the overhang and feel the wind blow little droplets into my face, hear the thunder, see the lightening across the sky; and it's as if I can feel the power of it within myself.

Then again, as an artist, I do tend to notice details like this when I am paying attention.