Director of Space Exploration
- Enneagram
- 4w5 or 5w4, so/sp/sx
The first thing that you body does when sucrose enters your stomach is cleave that glycosyl bond forming glucose and fructose.
free fructose is used in the krebs cycle to form citric acid. So you, like any nutritional scientist who fail to acknowledge this are blowing smoke out of thier ass
Eh, you're right... I did flip two sugars in my head. It's also fair to say that other alternatives high in fructose are going to do you harm, too, to varying degrees. Still, keep an eye on who is paying for the studies suggesting 'all is well' with HFCS. Odd how many of them are paid for by he corn growers association, no?
Try to note that the fructose IS bound in this diagram of yours, and that the unbound stuff present, in high levels, in HFCS is going to behave differently as a result.
- http://www.healthybrainforlife.com/.../high-fructose-corn-syrup-a-sweetner-to-avoid
- http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S26/91/22K07/index.xml?section=topstories
- http://www.wellnesstips.ca/high fructose corn syrup.htm
- http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/07/100701183514.htm
- http://www.livestrong.com/article/250487-health-risks-of-high-fructose-corn-syprup/
- http://www.treelight.com/health/nutrition/Fructose.html
- http://www.diabeteshealth.com/read/...another-link-in-the-chain-to-type-2-diabetes/
- http://www.wellsphere.com/drug-addiction-article/food-addiction-and-dopamine/146090
Some are presented more professionally than others, but still have the benefit of having sources tracing back to actual labs with actual peer reviews that are not paid for by the industry that profits so heavily from tax-payer subsidized production of the aforementioned substance.
There's also one extremely salient, albeit anecdotal, piece of evidence I have at hand. It was not until I removed HFCS from my diet that I was able to drop 100lbs. Sucrose was not removed; honey was not removed; syrup was not removed. I did not drastically change any habits, and was doing my best to limit my calories far prior to discovering HFCS all over my labels... following that, what before was a struggle and largely without success became damned easy (though it took two years to do it.) One other person I talked to about this has started doing the same, and though they've not been doing it anywhere near as long as I have, they've already had more success that they'd had the last 10 years of trying (albeit, oly 15lbs so far.)
The research, the evidence, and personal experience all tell me HFCS is best abolished. I think [MENTION=86]Entyqua[/MENTION] has it right, though, cutting out as much processed sugar as she can... the rest are not angelic by any means. They're just not swimming in quite so much 'free' fructose as the others. Think what you like, but you're waging a major uphill battle with me on this one. Might as well just keep it to yourself.