It doesn't make sense to be against something just because it's illegal. Are you against sodomy then?
I didn't mean for such a literal interpretation - I'm against illegal immigration because there are immigrants who work very hard to become citizens the legal way.
So genocide isn't a crime? Intentionally spreading disease isn't a crime?
Oh dear Jesus if you're ranting about the "poor little Wamapoke" than I have no sympathy. We treated many of them well, they're not innocent, and it was not genocide. In fact, the lovely DEMOCRAT party was all for killing all those lovely little indians
or shall I quote tedddy Roooooooosevelt? "I don't go so far as to think that the only good indians are dead indians, but I believe nine out of ten are -- and I shouldn't inquire too closely in the case of the tenth. The most vicious cowboy has more moral principle than the average indian."
Yup. Gotta love those progressives, amiright obama?
Anyways, the legislation doesn't protect criminals... if they're found guilty of a something like drugs or murder, then they will be deported. And implying that all
illegal immigrants are
criminals is as racist as it gets... which is pretty amazing, considering you yourself are a minority.
dear sir, I do believe you're retarded.
Btw: if The cops suck at catching criminals with addresses, and SSN etc, you really think all these cats are going to be innocent?
And while we're on the subject, I was actually thinking about what giving illegals opportunities to get an education and a proper job might do to the crime stats... I mean, it's not like there are so many avenues open to illegals that they can currently afford to turn their backs on criminal enterprises-- but if you give them more opportunities for legal work and education, what do you think will happen to the crime rates?
Idk. Apparently I'm just a racist
Again, I can't think of too many rational reasons why this won't be a good thing.
Ok, so mr. what are the rational reasons you CAN think of that would make this not a good thing? 
I wasn't talking about you, specifically-- but I have noticed that a lot of racist arguments begin with 'I have a lot of _____ friends'. I don't really understand your friend's argument and I think it's also racist or maybe just stupid, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any other, fully valid arguments to support this decision.
I still don't understand how it's going to do that. I've already explained why I think that it will actually
help employment... and to be honest, my guess is that these people, if they ever get to the point where they become citizens, will probably find their status as a 'normal' worker to be more of a detriment to their employment prospects... mostly because without the illegal status, they'll be more expensive and therefore they'll just be another minority trying to get a job in white society. Employers
love exploiting their workers... and the less advantages and protections a worker has, the better it is for them.
I do think that minorities tend to have better support/social networks than the white majority, which is probably why they're so good at setting themselves up with dodgy employment opportunities in the first place, but at the same time whenever you legally throw a minority culture into the majority they tend to either integrate fully/nearly-completely (a lot of second generation Asians come to mind), face discrimination or both. I don't know how you could object to someone who is basically fully integrated doing absolutely everything right and then going on to get a job that they are qualified for.
i can't, i guess im just a racist.
Yes, it isn't amnesty. It's more like an opportunity to prove themselves valuable to society... and if they're successful, potentially get citizenship, or failing that, return to their own country possibly more educated and less likely to fall into a life of crime. Everybody wins.
Except for americans who don't have jobs.
Also, your objections to Obama's 'playing politics' are really confusing-- are you saying that Republicans (especially incumbents) don't play politics? Are you saying that social changes are despicable simply because of the timing?
I don't know. Are you saying its ok for me to be racist just because progressives are?