This might sound a bit racist. but I blame the french. They invaded Britain in 1066. Apart from Britain's many invasions of France (and pretty much everywhere), there was no provocation. None. I don't like garlic either. I'm kidding around. I love garlic bread and Albert Camus was a good writer. If you ever go to France, they really do close everything on Sundays, apart from the patisseries in the morning. And yeah, all the old guys really do play boules in the park. Also, they seem to smoke, everyone has a dog, and they don't care about 'dinging' each others cars.
I've gone off on a tangent, but essentially without the French, I think Britain could have won that war of independence thing with America. It doesn't matter. I'm over it. Don't go to the patisseries either, they are deadly.

I've gone off on a tangent, but essentially without the French, I think Britain could have won that war of independence thing with America. It doesn't matter. I'm over it. Don't go to the patisseries either, they are deadly.