... ignore all of the scientific evidence I have presented because you don't like what it says. It's much more comfortable for you to stick by your ingrained bias and prejudice, it's as close minded as you can get. If you won't accept hard evidence then there is nothing I can do to convince you. You also state that things are facts even though they have no supporting evidence at all.
I have a few qualms with the evidence that you have brought up. For one thing: your sources may be unreliable (in a scientific sense, and for use in academic setting with peer review).
I'm fairly confident that your source for weightwatchers is unreliable.
Your source for junkfoodscience may also be unreliable: the medical blogger site that she is affiliated with has a gmail account. As we all know, gmail accounts are free to get. The fact that the group does not seem to be affiliated with any professional organizations also gives me some pause. If you are presenting scientific evidence, make sure they are good sources with peer review.
I have provided the wiki on reliable sources.
The first is an engineering issue, not a public health one. Second, isn't it possible that fat could also cushion a fall? This would have to be weighed up against the benefit of having more fat at older ages (yes there are benefits) as well. I think you would find the increased risk negligible.
Do you have any evidence that there is a negligible risk with increasing weight? Otherwise, I will have to point out that you still have increased weight (which generates more force when it hits the ground). If you have evidence that the weight acts as a cushion and is protective, please provide it. Otherwise, this is speculation.
I'm all for facts, I have brought lots of facts to this discussion backed by studies and expert opinion, I will happily discuss any facts you would like to put forward. I do think that logistics and machines should fit humans not the other way around.
I am finding sources as I type this. Unfortunately, many of them require payment for other users to access them (and I will not repost them here because of copyright law). I will provide the authors and titles of the articles, and will continue to search for some that I can post here for discussion purposes.
Which guidelines should we follow though? and how accurate are they really at measuring health (BMI)? Where do these guidelines come from? Public health officials have already messed up beyond belief in the past by
dramatically overstating the number of obesity deaths. This is no slight error, this is 15 times greater! That is willful misleading of the public! They have already shown in the past that they get so stuck in their own idealogy and circular logic
"Fat is bad, because we have always thought it was bad, therefore fat is bad" that they end up backing themselves up a creek with nowhere to go except out and out lies and misinformation.
It depends on what field you are in healthcare as to the guidelines. If you would like, I could try to see if I can find it for (insert field here).
While this is an interesting graph, it is talking about old data. Is there a more current graph with data from within the past five years? As it stands, this graph would probably not be considered a good figure to use in academia.
Is no one ever treated badly by anyone else ever? Sometimes people are treated badly and sometimes people have to stand up for themselves, that's just life, the alternative is everyone being a doormat, if everyone did that, there would be no rights for women or minorities!
As far as I am aware, the obese have the same legal rights as everyone else in America.
As much as it would make you more comfortable to dehumanise the issue and the people, there is no way around it, this is a deeply human, complex and personal issue. Pretending it isn't does no help to anyone!
I am fully comfortable with this being a 'humanized' issue. However, I am interested in discussing the scientific facts surrounding obesity as being unhealty.
Of course you don't! Everyday we are bombarded with "FAT IS THE DEVIL!" messages. All I am asking is for people to open their minds just a little, to the possibility that the whole thing might be a fuss about nothing and be open to the slight possibility that by making such a big deal of it we might be exasperating the very problem we're trying to fix (something humans seem to do oh so well)!
I am aware that the issue may not be in the correct proportions because of incorrect figures that were given by agencies. However, obesity is a great cause for concern; I do not have any figures to og on yet, but I am of the opinion that less than 25% of the obese population have 'normal' glucose and cholesterol parameters. Once I have the information that I require, I will present it here.