Shai Gar
You're analysing him at a point in his life when he's developed all his functions, and he dies in the first half hour?
Use the other movies.
Use the other movies.
I think it depends on whether we're talking about the prequels or the original movies.
In the original movies he's a 100% without-a-doubt INFJ. (At least IMO).
Keeping firmly in mind that he's a fictional character and that he is secondary for the screen time, let's have some analyzing fun![]()
First of all we can safely settle down on introversion - he was certainly not swinging around with his tongue like Jar Jar. In fact he was quiet even for jedi standards.
Next strong moral values which are based on external order and some impressive skills in psychology and diplomacy - therefore Fe.
As for the perception skills he liked watching from a distance and with minimal interference - that means Ni/Si. I might be biased on this but it seemed to me that he relied more on intuition rather than facts at the critical moments. Yoda was far superior in that skill so everyone around him looked less N. It can also seem diminished by the fact that Obi did not notice the corruption of Anakin - but hey, everybody makes mistakes![]()
The J preference comes as a derivative bonus from Ni Fe.
I don't think Jedis suppressed their feelings - they learned to master them instead.
Since the series ends with the original movies I'd say he is INFJ.