I still don’t think the past/present/future apply here.
IMHO we are outside of time as we perceive it when we die.
Perhaps it is perceived to be the “past” when people "remember” things like "past lives"...but I see it as only simultaneous life in another...space or universe or dimension (though dimension is the wrong word).
Conversely, precognition has shown in some rather strong ways that it does indeed exist...that we can see into the future, or that our bodies will react to the future stimuli anyhow.
That it’s all there now...we only have to access it...which our physical brains are not designed to do imho.
I feel that those who identify as an “old soul” are probably more aware of these other lives going on elsewhere than those who don’t believe such things.
I feel we are all the same on the pathway, only the view is obscured more for some.
Anyhow...I could be dead wrong...idk...just a thought.