On Movie Classification

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Shai Gar

There should be a notice ahead of the movie that says 'This movie is PG. Can you read? You are a Parent. Do you understand what Guidance is? Or are you just another stupid toddler who thinks they're an adult simple because they've grown older and, unfortunately, have developed fully-functioning sexual organs? Would you like some committee somewhere to decide *everything* for you? Get a damn grip, will you? And shut the wretched kid up !'
-- (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)
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Fuck yes +1000

I'm sick of hearing about entertainment being regulated because someone couldn't bother to read that the game about beating hookers to death with someones leg wasn't for kids.

Grand Theft Auto (Original) was the second game I ever played. After Duke Nukem 3D. It was the first game where I could take a car and run over the stupid pedestrians.

Man what an awesome release for a 13 year old.
My parents didn't give a shit about the rating systems: I was watching Freddy Krueger at 2.
But they didn't complain about what you were watching did they?
Firetruck+Sidewalk = Win

GTA3. Good times.
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Fuck yes +1000

I'm sick of hearing about entertainment being regulated because someone couldn't bother to read that the game about beating hookers to death with someones leg wasn't for kids.

If people can't figure out that a game called "Killzone" isn't appropriate for an eight year old, then they shouldn't be a parent. :tsk:
My parents didn't give a shit about the rating systems: I was watching Freddy Krueger at 2.

My brother made me watch Dawn of the Dead and Aliens when I was 5. They both completely scared the crap out of me - but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
My brother made me watch Dawn of the Dead and Aliens when I was 5. They both completely scared the crap out of me - but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
Good Movies.

Yeah, when I first saw Dawn Of The Dead I was about 10, and I was alone in the house with my sister and my cousin. My sister was 6 and my cousin was 9. Well, anyway, after we finished the movie we were tired [ it was night] so we tried to go to bed. There was a sky window and I spent all night looking at it, thinking someone could somehow smash the window and 'fall down' on the bed [ the bed was right underneath it]. For some reason someone falling on me was more frightening than the actual movie, or someone breaking in through a side window or door. But then again, I also had sleep problems until about 13.
It's funny how some odd things will frighten you more than the obviously frightening things.

The film which disturbed me the most ever was "White Buffalo" with Charles Bronson. It was litterally about a white buffalo - I had nightmares about buffalos for months afterwards.
I believe I was watching horror movies like "Alien" when I was 8-10. It was scary so I internally built a "If it's on a screen, it's not real" mentality when it comes to things that are over the top grotesque. Violence, in the typical sense that you would find in video games and movies, does not affect me at all. My parents, also, made it clear that the horror movies i watch, and games I've played, aren't real and they felt that since I've understood that from such a young age, they didn't have a problem with me playing rated M games when I barely scratched the age limit for Teen.
I have no idea how old I was when I first started watching horror flicks. My brothers, both older, had me watching them as far back as I can remember. All the Halloweens, Friday the 13ths, Nightmare on Elm Streets, Phantasm, Shining, Poltergeist, Exorcist, Hellraiser. All of them. Consequently, I have also always been very paranoid and had a fear of being murdered. It drives my husband nuts, because I can't sleep at night. I love to be scared, though. Horror movies and haunted houses, baby. The scarier the better.

And my parents never censored what we watched, though we knew what would get us into trouble if we were caught watching - like what we used to call "nekkid movies" (soft core Skinemax porn) and other titty movies. They were watched, anyway, but carefully. I remember watching Stand By Me and Spaceballs as a family when they came out on VHS. Watching this stuff never made us go out and murder people, do porn, or cuss around our elders. I think my parents knew that their discipline was enough to keep up from being lame enough to not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
What gets me about the new ratings -- and I'm obviously not a parent -- is the way some video stores are taking it upon themselves to begin to describe the movie for you. For example, something I rented a few weeks ago had "fleeting violence, moderate scariness, one sexual encounter, persistent drug/alcohol use, and about 26 profanities". Where's the fun in watching the movie now that they've sold me the script? :)
i watched the freddy movies when they came out, i was a toddler... and i loved them...

mom allowed it, encouraged it... and i didn't mind since nothing scared me...

except deep water... i have a fear of deep water (not saying i won't swim if i have to)... i just don't like deep water...

yea, Jaws was the only thing that did it to me...
Gods, me too.

I won't swim in the ocean (in other parts of Australia anyway), or even get into a pool (unless it's daylight and there are others in there first), because of my fear of the unseen sharks.
Gods, me too.

I won't swim in the ocean (in other parts of Australia anyway), or even get into a pool (unless it's daylight and there are others in there first), because of my fear of the unseen sharks.

Finally! Someone else that has the same fear as me.
I dont believe that rating movies is a legitimate job. Sure Bored Now would think that having to sit through Howard the Duck is work, but in reality it is just a cup of awesome to sit and watch movies and decide who they are appropriate for. Movie rating is one of those things that isn't really needed by society and if you can't figure out that a movie titled Russian Bimbos Blow your Wad is not appropriate for you, then whoever is in charge of you should not let you watch it - don't leave that decision to a 16 y/o kid at the movie theater.
What does Bored now have to do with anything?