One Woman Who Knew Her Rights Forced Border Patrol Off a Greyhound Bus

I would say you are on a good path then with this line of thinking - I was heavily invested in what happens to the world as a whole until finding out I'm too small and insignificant to change it all significantly and too small to sort truth and untruth from the propaganda pouring out of various media outlets.

Instead we can always do good on a small scale (or do something to reinstate justice in an unjust situation involving someone close to us) so that is something always worth doing, even if it takes concentrated work and the results are relatively small when thinking on a grand scale. Besides, it is very satisfying work to do. (Just a thought, I am not trying to preach nor do I want to say that is the only right way to do it, it is just my way now that it has allowed itself to remain effective and meaningful over the years.)

I absolutely agree! :)

It's also partly alongside with other reasons why I have chosen medicine as my main focus of career, it's a form of a good contribution I can be able to offer in the world--- though I wish I could go much larger; but for now, small baby steps.
link: here

which instantly reminded me of

View attachment 43091

And an oblig passage

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

While I do agree what the patrolmen were doing was wrong, and I commend that woman for her brave actions, there are a few key differences between the artical and the two stories you followed it with.

1. The patrolmen didn’t kill everyone after they resisted.

2. The governments in the following stories were extremely more oppressive than the government that we have in America today.

While it is an excellent reminder to keep an eye on our government, I don’t think it’s fair to equate what happened on that bus in one of (if not) the freest nations on earth to the deaths of millions under the watch of fascism and communism.
I think context is definitely important and we are far from the worst offender in this country - in some ways this post is more about realizing we all have a voice and should raise it when necessary instead of just going with the prevailing wisdom or social system even if it seems to be relatively OK where we live. Because the slippery slope often starts out gently enough.
I think context is definitely important and we are far from the worst offender in this country -

so what is the context?

why are border control people boarding buses and looking for people who have smuggled themselves into the country?

What are they so worried about?

Wasn't a young lady Mollie Tibbet just murdered recently? I think an illegal immigrant has been accused of the murder