Original Sin--Born with the sin nature...

@just me Of course, I know you're not Catholic.

But similarly, do you accept that a lot of the New Testament is constructed for the proselytic purposes of the apostles in the first century?

Or do you think that it 'stands outside' its historical circumstances? I ask this seriously and will accept your answer, I'm not trying to bait you or anything.

Take an easy one. This is both testaments really - monotheism. What better way to spread your cult than to deny the existence of other gods, in a polytheistic world.
I would rather not turn my head aside toward monotheism. The word "cult" in modern day variations reminds me of Charles Manson because of the negative ways people have chosen to use that word.

προσήλυτος used to denote a gentile considering conversion to Judaism. It later was used when a person was converting to Christianity.
Remember St. Patrick's Day?

But similarly, do you accept that a lot of the New Testament is constructed for the proselytic purposes of the apostles in the first century?

Or do you think that it 'stands outside' its historical circumstances? I ask this seriously and will accept your answer, I'm not trying to bait you or anything.

God's purpose. After reading so many things in the Bible that were started and ended, I see no where to denote this as being ended.

I must work awhile.
'God's purpose'

Good point. I suppose that, in theological terms, God would want a proselytic religion.
April, I have nothing else to say to you. Are you accusing me of anger? Wrath? At least you have a more subtle approach, but I don't buy into it.
Hmm. Noted. That is your right as a human to feel that way.

No, I wasn't accusing you of anything except being stressed about it. My observations and intuition was that you felt anger but I could've been wrong.
Deleted member 16771, we can continue discussing this. You must acknowledge I do not believe the way Catholics believe.

“I am persuaded that if at this time, St. Peter, in person, should preach all the articles of Holy Scripture, and only deny the pope’s authority, power, and primacy, and say, that the pope is not the head of all Christendom, they would cause him to be hanged. Yea, if Christ himself were again on earth, and should preach, without all doubt the pope would crucify him again.”
Martin Luther

But yes, you are correct; we are living stones of the spiritual church of God; the cornerstone of which is the Messiah.

Of course the Roman Catholic Church or any of her daughters are not true churches. If God's spirit dwells in our heart then we become the temple of God.
Take an easy one. This is both testaments really - monotheism. What better way to spread your cult than to deny the existence of other gods, in a polytheistic world.

Catholic quotes..

"It is interesting to note how often our Church has availed herself of practices which were in common use among pagans...Thus it is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic rites and ceremonies are a reproduction of those of pagan creeds." (The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals and Devotions, by John F. Sullivan, p 156, published by P.J. Kennedy, NY, 1942)

"It has often been charged... that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation - and even to make it her boast... the great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptized." (The Story of Catholicism p 37)
“I am persuaded that if at this time, St. Peter, in person, should preach all the articles of Holy Scripture, and only deny the pope’s authority, power, and primacy, and say, that the pope is not the head of all Christendom, they would cause him to be hanged. Yea, if Christ himself were again on earth, and should preach, without all doubt the pope would crucify him again.”
Martin Luther

But yes, you are correct; we are living stones of the spiritual church of God; the cornerstone of which is the Messiah.

Of course the Roman Catholic Church or any of her daughters are not true churches. If God's spirit dwells in our heart then we become the temple of God.
“I am persuaded that if at this time, St. Peter, in person, should preach all the articles of Holy Scripture, and only deny the pope’s authority, power, and primacy, and say, that the pope is not the head of all Christendom, they would cause him to be hanged. Yea, if Christ himself were again on earth, and should preach, without all doubt the pope would crucify him again.”
Martin Luther

But yes, you are correct; we are living stones of the spiritual church of God; the cornerstone of which is the Messiah.

Of course the Roman Catholic Church or any of her daughters are not true churches. If God's spirit dwells in our heart then we become the temple of God.

Amen. "Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
Amen. "Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?"

Mhm. Show this verse to your priest, or pastor.

“God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;”
Acts 17:24
Love exemplified.

Several people interpret this differently. Maybe we all do. I do not wish to write what I feel, so others can have an open mind.
No takers? I think the composer was showing his way of looking at things. I agree it shows an internal conflict between the spiritually minded Godly man and his falling away from making Him first in his life. Cold and broken are the remnants of the man, and love usually has cold and broken moments in its making and life. When we can live through it all and understand it even partially? Hallelujah. Our countenance changes as we are molded into the man we must be. Our beginning closeness with God? Hallelujah, as it seems cold and broken at times. More after work.

The Lord plays his tunes
Tapestries in the shadows
Who can hear their themes? :grinning:

Okay, now I love the first two lines! The third is okay, just a bit less memorable maybe. Third try? ;)
Okay, now I love the first two lines! The third is okay, just a bit less memorable maybe. Third try? ;)

Ah! you are pushing me further from my original intent Ren :laughing:. It's important in response to @just me 's song post that my Haiku must be imperfect like King David and Samson featured in it, and like the song itself (which I like, but find stops short of where it's pointing), and all of us poor people. But imperfect as we are, we are still capable of expressing God's themes if He so wishes - which most certainly happened with Samson and King David according to the Bible!

Anyway, version three ... let's see how this works. I've enjoyed doing these.

The Lord plays his tunes
Tapestries in the shadows
Destiny's presence​
The Lord plays his tunes
Tapestries in the shadows
Destiny's presence

Very nice. I think that compared to the other versions, it has perhaps the strongest lines when taken individually, but it comes at the expense of flow somewhat. Yeah, I'm really annoying, I know. :p

So that you aren't the only one suffering, I've tried to rework a short piece written many years ago into a haiku.


in a black corner
of the courtyard, sister breaks
vows and crucifix

(omg such devilish, very Beelzebub)
Very nice. I think that compared to the other versions, it has perhaps the strongest lines when taken individually, but it comes at the expense of flow somewhat. Yeah, I'm really annoying, I know. :p

So that you aren't the only one suffering, I've tried to rework a short piece written many years ago into a haiku.


in a black corner
of the courtyard, sister breaks
vows and crucifix

(omg such devilish, very Beelzebub)
You are right - the final one is a pastiche. The original has the form, content and level of quality that was required for the intent, but it was intersting to see where it might go. I think the intent in last version might work but needs a rewrite to express it.

You Haiku works -

The vows excreted
our unconsecrated souls
crucified too soon