@Norton, that was the most fucking immature thing I've ever heard from someone in a while. You think you know better because you worship logic and are older than myself who is scared for "his" country. My father is just like that and that fucker don't know a thing about what democracy means.
Logic does not work when speaking about the loss of human life. An emotional but rational argument is better for this situation because PEOPLE DYING IS FOREVER. THEY DON'T COME BACK! IS THAT FREEDOM? Sorry, I don't want people dying for me. I wouldn't expect you to do it because I wouldn't do it for you either. Life is fucking precious. You will let people senselessly die for nothing while our own people suffer but I'll bet abortion is high up on the list of what you hate. Because it's probably "un-American" and goes against "American values".
Well guess what? The system is being challenged by my generation. Your generation got us into this mess and fucked us over for a good 20 years and now you want to tell me how to run this place. Holy shit, the nerve.
Our society is not extremely liberal. I hear that from the right every day and it pisses me the fuck off. So much, I'm about to scream. We fuck over so many poor and sick people every day. Provide tax breaks to the rich as well as fortune 500 companies so that the authoritarian GOP and centrist Dems can get campaign contributions.
The "leftist" democrats are where the center was 40 years ago. Reagan would be a democrat today. Eisenhower wanted national fucking healthcare. Teddy Roosevelt was an early environmentalist. They would be treated like bernie sanders is today.
That's fine you can think what you want to think but DO NOT EVER tell my generation we don't know because we're too young and Naive.
LOL. This reminds me of the 60's! Difference is that the 60's generation were activists. IMO your generation lacks the spirit and determination to effect change. Your technology isolates you from each other and holds your attention more firmly than trying to make the world better. I see many of you playing with your phones and xboxes and ipods more than I see you working in soup kitchens or marching in protests. I appreciate the spirit of the post but money talks and bullshit walks is the old saying. What are you doing?