Passion and intensity

I would describe myself as an intense person and being passionate sometimes happens to be a byproduct of this.

I lash out in anger as a defense mechanism when I am hurt. I find it hard to control the level of my voice in the moment if I am particularly upset about something.

You know, I've come to regard it as a natural state of being for me. I think this is what helps me control it, as I don't try to filter it as much as I used to. As in out of control, do you mean being socially inappropriate, or displaying it to people you don't know well?

When I suppress it, I get depressed and moody. I also cry a lot. I don't like being false, and not because of others but because it hurts me.

When I unleash it, the world works for me. For me, if I'm restraining myself, it's like the universe is ignoring me because it knows I'm supposed to be doing more; life just doesn't go right if I'm rejecting myself. But if I let the fire burn naturally (and it's more like a small fire, not a controlled-burn), then I'm relaxed and so is life.

Wow. My feelings exactly.
I will flee the scene, so no one sees an outward expression of negative emotion. That is only for me to deal with, privately. If you force me to cry in front of you... I secretly hate you. Stop trying to control me. I'm not like you. I'm me. Get over yourself.
Now if we're talkin' 'bout that "VROOM, VROOM" kind of passion, I'm all systems go!!! Grab a safety belt & strap in!! However, if I am asked to cool it, meaning I do not have said object of desire's permission, I move to operation stifle & curtail. Which is very difficult if you can't, or don't wish to avoid the person. I try to ignore anything they do that makes my heart race. So... please stop turning your friendly neighborhood INFJ ON if you will not allow her to unleash all her fury of love upon you, DAMN!:m169:
Passion and intensity: How do you handle it? How do you manage it to avoid it getting out of control?

What happens when you try to suppress it?

What happens when you unleash it?

It can be hard to surpress passion and intensity but I find asking myself how I feel and avoiding anything that would throw me off kilter is the best way of keeping any over the top reactions to myself. I'm pretty dead-pan and small-gesture oriented when I am trying to surpress strong passions but the energy is still pretty noticable I just don't end up hurting anyone. ^_^:m200: