- INFPishy
Yeah, I agree. There is a confusion people make between being assertive and being aggressive. But in my mind they are very clearly different. And I can detail my mannerisms when I one way opposed to the other. They are not synonymous.
To me assertive is stating your opinion clearly.
Aggressive is demanding.
I don't think being aggressive turns most people on and I find most aggressive people have a thin veneer. I.e. it's all about you and what you want, etc.
Assertive is wanting the best for the team and I think that is better perceived.
Hope I'm making sense and am helpful.
yes, good point, it's the reason behind the use of the style that's important. If it's egocentric, then it may be resisted, but if it's used in the best interest of not you who is making the request but the other party as well, then it will probably have better results or receive more positive response.
I think that something should matter, because it seems to be in the way of what you want. What is that something?
Good question. It's probably the thing's I've fighting to admit that I do want, which is that chance to be heard or understand or have my commands (when appropriate) respected especially if I am acting in an authoritative position. However, I do not want the responsibility of being respected for the sake of position. I don't want the recognition for myself. I want the recognition of what I'm saying if it's about getting the job done and done well. It's not about seeking personal recognition for my views or thoughts anymore, because that's not as important, as why I am asking for that recogition of my voice or thoughts or ideas. It's about what works. When the focus is on me, and HOW I make a request or how I'm perceived, it's a sign, to me, that the focus is not on the right thing. It's a sign that you're focusing on "me" or what you think of me rather what we need to do to adequately complete the task or goal we have in front of us. That's probably why I'm leary of the use of the terms "assertive" etc., because there is this underlying tone of what you want vs. what I want, when I'm really only concerned with "why aren't you listening to what I'm saying, since that's more important and has more relevance to getting the job done." That's my concern with how these styles are being perceived.