Past-Life Regression


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While researching more about past lives and reincarnation in religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, I stumbled upon this video.


Before the session, I was pretty skeptical and a bit scared, but I have to say that it was a pleasant experience. I'm not sure if it what I saw was real or just a figment of my imagination, but I will share with you what I saw during this past-life regression session.

I was in Mongolia, or somewhere within Central Asia. I was a wealthy male. I was wearing a fur hat, vest, and pointy black shoes. While horse riding in the village, I saw the love of my life. She was tall and slender with black hair. I knew I had to have her. We got married in a tent, and she was wearing a traditional dress (Can't pinpoint from which culture). We had several children, and I ended up passing away due to natural causes. The last thing I remember seeing was my wife crying.

I'm not sure if any of what I saw was real, but it was an experience like no other. After the session, for some reason I ended up in tears, and I couldn't stop them.

So please, if you decide to try this, I'd like you to share what you see and experience!
This is disturbing to me.
This is disturbing to me.

It was to me as well, in the past. Then I thought, oh what the hell, why not just give it a try? It was scary, but the experience itself wasn't as scary as I initially thought it would have been. I just want to further emphasize that I'm not saying what I saw was real. It was just my experience with it. I don't regret it :P
I'll give this a shot. I'll post in a bit.
While I was listening to this, I was very relaxed. My whole body convulsed. I was laying in bed and my arms and feet shot up. I think I thought I was falling or something. I got a few images but I wouldn't be able to say they werent the same type of thing you get right on the edge of sleep.
I've actually done a legitimate past life regression. I paid to see a past life regressionist in NYC and everything.

There was a point during the regression where I felt that I was fully in tune with another life, it wasn't my imagination or anything. It felt absolutely, positively, 100% real and I do believe I was experiencing life as another person. I'm deadly serious about this. Later on, I sort of felt that my imagination was fueling the descriptions I was giving to my regressionist, but having undergone it, I think there is something to the parallel life/reincarnation thing and that it isn't just "New Age" goo.
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I have his book "Many Lives, Many Masters", [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] recommended it too me, and from what I read, he's really fantastic. I'm really interested in trying this. I have felt that I have tapped into other lives during dreams. They have seemed so real- I knew the past in my dreams, and I have come in and out of them at different times, and they've reconnected.

I totally believe that our 'soul' or some part of us is made up of past and present lives. Great topic- thanks for sharing your experience! Looking forward to trying this tomorrow!
Wow, I need to try this! Thank you for the video link. :>