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While researching more about past lives and reincarnation in religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, I stumbled upon this video.
Before the session, I was pretty skeptical and a bit scared, but I have to say that it was a pleasant experience. I'm not sure if it what I saw was real or just a figment of my imagination, but I will share with you what I saw during this past-life regression session.
I was in Mongolia, or somewhere within Central Asia. I was a wealthy male. I was wearing a fur hat, vest, and pointy black shoes. While horse riding in the village, I saw the love of my life. She was tall and slender with black hair. I knew I had to have her. We got married in a tent, and she was wearing a traditional dress (Can't pinpoint from which culture). We had several children, and I ended up passing away due to natural causes. The last thing I remember seeing was my wife crying.
I'm not sure if any of what I saw was real, but it was an experience like no other. After the session, for some reason I ended up in tears, and I couldn't stop them.
So please, if you decide to try this, I'd like you to share what you see and experience!
Before the session, I was pretty skeptical and a bit scared, but I have to say that it was a pleasant experience. I'm not sure if it what I saw was real or just a figment of my imagination, but I will share with you what I saw during this past-life regression session.
I was in Mongolia, or somewhere within Central Asia. I was a wealthy male. I was wearing a fur hat, vest, and pointy black shoes. While horse riding in the village, I saw the love of my life. She was tall and slender with black hair. I knew I had to have her. We got married in a tent, and she was wearing a traditional dress (Can't pinpoint from which culture). We had several children, and I ended up passing away due to natural causes. The last thing I remember seeing was my wife crying.
I'm not sure if any of what I saw was real, but it was an experience like no other. After the session, for some reason I ended up in tears, and I couldn't stop them.
So please, if you decide to try this, I'd like you to share what you see and experience!