Past Lives

My sense is that all living things, and indeed, thing-ness in general, are manifestations of form that spring forth from consciousness. Forms arise and forms fade away, but the consciousness that brought forth those forms is eternal.

So are we reborn? Only in the sense that all forms are reborn, endlessly.

My sense is that I have lived, loved, and died, and been reborn endlessly, and so shall I be, endlessly. I am the tree that gives shade, I am the sun shining upon it, and I am the crow resting in it, and I say
Originally Posted by [MENTION=947]aeon[/MENTION]
My sense is that all living things, and indeed, thing-ness in general, are manifestations of form that spring forth from consciousness. Forms arise and forms fade away, but the consciousness that brought forth those forms is eternal.

So are we reborn? Only in the sense that all forms are reborn, endlessly.

My sense is that I have lived, loved, and died, and been reborn endlessly, and so shall I be, endlessly. I am the tree that gives shade, I am the sun shining upon it, and I am the crow resting in it, and I say “caw.”

I will be the autumn leaf, I will be the east wind, I will be a dancer, and on and on — in time, I will be all there will ever be, and I have been all those things. Those things come and go, but my essential nature is formless and timeless, and it shall be reborn and present in the world of thing-ness, eternally.

That’s my sense, anyway. :noidea:

[MENTION=273]ZenCat[/MENTION] said: Could not have said it better myself. This is as perfect an explanation of my personal understanding of "reincarnation" as I've ever read.

+ 1

I know :nod: - didn't he say it so very well?