People make stuff up using letters *split from off-topic thread*

made me laugh too :ml:
Everyone Shouldn't Take me Personally
Excellent, Nonsensical, & Terribly Prodigious
Endowed Noble Tastefully Perfect
Evil Ninja Turtle Power
Elegant Notable Ticklish Pioneer
I hate parties...

I flatted with my ENTP friend for a year. There seemed to be a party of about 200 people at our place every night of the week. Every ENTP I've ever met likes to party. :lock1::dance::peace: The evidence of every party was displayed on the giant floor to ceiling canvas in the lounge that got repainted by 200 drunk people every night.
I just hate people, I hate overdrinking, I hate loud thumping BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP I'M THE KING OF THIS HERE SHIT, I'M GUNNA CUM ALL OVER YOUR TITS BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP type music they always play at parties, and i hate how people do that all the time and call it "having fun" seemingly unable to differentiate between drinking and getting wasted, and having any other sort of fun.
I just hate people, I hate overdrinking, I hate loud thumping BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP I'M THE KING OF THIS HERE SHIT, I'M GUNNA CUM ALL OVER YOUR TITS BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP BUUMP type music they always play at parties, and i hate how people do that all the time and call it "having fun" seemingly unable to differentiate between drinking and getting wasted, and having any other sort of fun.

Actually I always wondered what was supposed to be fun about that. I'd rather go to a quiet cafe and drink gallons of coffee and have a decent conversation with a couple of friends.
I kind of like to party; I think I got that from my parents, though (which is still kind of weird, since my mom's INFJ and my dad's suspected INTJ).
Either way, I like to kind of lose myself in dance music and socialization occasionally :D There's only so much in life you can be serious about
I Need Fewer Jihad

Is Jihad the plural of Jihad?
I'm actually utilizing the original, literal definition of jihad: struggle, strife (and in particular an internal spiritual struggle with oneself) in this instance, rather than it's now usual and now most popular (and some say incorrect) translation of holy war. :)

1865—70; < Ar jihād struggle, strife

"Jihad" in Arabic

The Arabic word "jihad" is a noun. Its singular past tense verb is "jahada" (masculine) or "jahadat" (feminine). The singular active participle of "jihad" is "mujahid" (masculine) or "mujahida"(feminine). The root of the word "jihad" is "juhd" which means "effort." Another related word is "ijtihad"which means "working hard or diligently."

Jihad is simply the process of "exerting the best efforts," involving some form of "struggle" and "resistance," to achieve a particular goal. In other words, jihad is the struggle against, or resistance to, something for the sake of a goal. The meaning of the word is independent of the nature of the invested efforts or the sought goal.

Contrary to common belief, the word "jihad" does not necessarily imply any violent effort, let alone "war" and such instances of extreme violence. It is a general term that can mean violent as well as peaceful actions, depending on the context in which it is used, as we shall indeed see later. Similarly, "jihad" as a generic word can be used even when the sought goals are not Islamic, i.e. in non-religious contexts.
The Qur'an uses the verb of "jihad" in its generic meaning of "exerting the best efforts against something".