I knew someone at work who was completely obsessed with hurling (an Irish sport). He would talk about nothing else and would try to divert all conversation to that topic. He would read and re-read the hurling section in the papers and knew everything there was to know about his home team.
Dear gods, but he was so boring. I will say that he never broached the subject with people who had no interest in it, he would just remain completely silent instead.
I can get a bit obsessive myself, but my excessive curiosity means I constantly move onto new subjects.
I think men in particular can get obsessive in that way
In some manifestation it can be a guy talking about football (or hurling!) in astounding detail but it can alo be a scientist working away on some new theory like Isaac Newton beavering away in his alchemical laboratory!
Genius is sometimes said to be a concentrated focus on a task. Accounts tell of strategists like Napoleon being completely oblivious to other people when they come into their presence because they are so deeply focussed on the military chess game in their head....chess...that's another example eg kasparov
Guys obsess....this can bore or it can innovate
I do wish though that the mental energy that many guys apply to sport was instead focussed on the problems of the world and on creating solutions to them