Yeah there's nothing wrong with him
He just doesn't really want to get to know me and that's his choice, really. There are other people for me to interact at those places he was just a focal point for a brief moment.
*Shrug* either I read people or I don't talk to them at all so really reading is the better option, if I'm not allowed that then there is no reason to interact with new people at all
I'm never in the moment haha. I live in a perpetual state of headiness and disassociation
Slant, I need a word with you!
Consider that you may need social training wheels to deal with this, I sense friction among leading cognitive functions.
Classically along the lines of Socrates quotes about hysteria and what not, one also have nevrosis/temper, psychose/transe, complexes/ocd.
Jung talked excessively about "complexes", this may be what you are talking about when saying "reading".
However, his complexes and ambitions may not have the same nature as yours.
So a personal connection here may never work and perhaps consider getting past this, perhaps you cannot find a home and anchor for your complex, before he finds one in a friend of you both.
Guys can often like opposites more so then women, or so the common wisdom in types generally are.
For his complex that doesn't involve being a woman and a body as a temple, perhaps his complex requires a goof that notice aspirations.
Can lend confidence to social circumstance and navigate out of whatever mess that may ensue.
So how can you gain confidence and a feeling of control with healthy manipulation that improves things for everyone?