Straight up...YES.
There is a fine line between feeling like a victim and taking responsibility for polishing your sense of personal power and grounded faith in your sense of Self and who you are. (you & your meaning anyone not 'you' explicitly Lady Jet
You are responsible for how you perceive what someone says to you NOT the content of their message nor it's context. The reverse is true are responsible for WHAT you say not how the person receiving it takes the message.
Tell ya what I do (and I slip occasionally with an asshole attack and spout off from ego instead of my true self...I'm only human).
When another person devalues me (my feeling 'persecuted') I generally say "Thank you for stating your opinion and how you see me. I'm sorry you feel/think that way. I'll think about it for a bit. Have a beautiful day." At that time I walk away...either dismissing the conversation until later. Or dismissing the conversation and often the person, (ooph! Classic INFJ search for harmony or phuckin doorslam), and
I move along. I will confess on occasion, when I take the time to reflect and see if the other persons view has any validity, I'll let it affect change in me as a tool for self growth (into a better human or bigger asshole--hard tell lol).
If it is a person who's company you value and you can't escape feeling persecuted there are ways to find common ground...otherwise why the phuck would you want a person like that to be in your life to begin with? And...when strangers do it--bang the door, not your head (or heart), and tell them to don't need that negativity anyhoo