Personal Secrets


Do you have a lot of information about yourself which is known only to you?

I have no trouble keeping the secrets of others, but when it comes to myself, I find it impossible to have anything about myself that I've not spilled to at least one or two of my closer friends.

Are there one or two things that you have never told anyone, and/or never plan to?
One secret about something I did when I was about 7 or so. Very traumatic, it did not involve death or anything and what happened couldnt be hidden. The cause of it though, me, I have kept secret. While today I doubt many would even remember and while I dont think of it often, its the first thing I thought of concerning this question.
There's a lot, people think that I'm an open book but they dont have a clue really, I tell people a lot of my views on things and what I'm thinking, in part its extroversion (which I think people dont appreciate is a problem sometimes) but its also because I wish people would see things my way because I've generally spent a lot more time thinking about things than they have.

Although all that said there's lots I've not shared, I keep journals and sometimes record the detail there but I've thought about this and there's a tendency to self-censor even with journals or private records of things, perhaps less so with adolescent journals but still even then, at least if you're not toally crazy.

Although perhaps this is because I've read so much Freud, Jung and other psychoanalysts and really aimed to put a spotlight on my unconscious or reflexive or impulsive thinking.
There is not one person in the world that knows everything about me or what is in my head, including Mr. S. I think this is true for most people though. When you ask the question ... is this something only known to you ... well possibly not, b/c there was always normally a witness at the time. Is it behavior I am ashamed of? Of course.
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Nope, no personal secrets for me.
Keeping certain things to myself because I do not trust those around me with them is not necessarily a secret. It is excellent to talk about and explore those events or imaginings I have with someone who is not involved and nonjudgmental but that usually costs about $120 per hour.
There's a lot, people think that I'm an open book but they dont have a clue really, I tell people a lot of my views on things and what I'm thinking,. .

yeah, pretty much this^. I am not sure if most people notice but I'm more likely to describe how I feel about an issue than reveal details about myself. I have a few secrets but they are not things that necessarily need to be out there for anyone to know. I have a few which are, for me, a bit shameful. Others may not view them as such but I do, so I keep it to myself. And other things, are just personal stuff I don't want to share. People don't often know as much about what I think as they assume but I'm past the point of convincing anyone that I am not as transparent. That gets old. And I'm not exactly eager to share my so-called secrets or thoughts with everyone, except close friends or family. I don't think anyone can know everything about a person. Sometimes, people are not even aware of everything about themselves, which is probably what makes self discovery fun. And of course it's a matter of trust who knows anyone's secret. Sometimes, it's not so much that someone has huge or grand secrets to tell, but that they find someone who makes them feel comfortable enough to share something personal. This creates trust and closeness, hopefully with someone who is trustworthy. Revealing something personal or intimate only with those few people you care about and trust is often what makes sharing a secret meaningful. I used to think everyone needs to know everything about how I feel or think, or who I am, and now realize, that's a recipe for disaster, at least in my case. I had to learn the hard way, that some things you just keep to yourself.
All the time. There is too much rolling around up there to get it all out. Plus, fuck trust. I am very, very, very, emotionally reserved and somewhat personally secretive about my inner feelings and deeper self. I got no problem telling you how I feel at the moment, but the deeper stuff...nah. I'm not going to spill it out to just anybody. I also think it's not a "bad" thing to have things that you cannot or do not want to express to others.
I have a few, but most of my secrets are things that 95% of my friends know,but my parents don't know.
Several, and they're eating me up inside, but I'm keeping them on account of the fact that it would unnecessarily hurt the ones I love if the truth were known. My responsibility. Not theirs.
Yes I do have secrets that I don't share. And one is something that is really wanting to come out to my boyfriend but I think he'll lose some of the respect for me if I shared so I don't. But it was something that happened in the past when I was really confused so I think it's not important that he knows. Other secrets just are there, not causing any trouble. I wonder if I should share the one eating me up inside with my boyfriend... What if it changes something between us... I seriously don't know what to do.
I don't consider them secrets, there are just things I don't tell to people because it's none of their business.

I think it frustrates those it my life who embrace openness, but that's not who I am. I don't try to change their approach to life and expect the same from them.
Yeah. I spill stuff about myself to people I'm close to. Sometimes I hold back. Example, with someone who likes me I try not to talk to much about someone else who may like me. It's too tempting sometimes. Particularly when I'm not interested!

Also at work I particularly hold back personal information that could be misused against me ;)
Well, most people don't know about my mental problems but I don't see that as a secret really. It's not their business. So answer is no.
I keep secrets on because of respect of privacy to others... not because I want to.
Basically, if someone asks, I will tell them anything about myself.
Treating things as no big deal, makes big deals not so big.
I have one friend that knows everything about me and two friends that know a good bit about me. These three people probably know more about me than my parents do in the lines of the way that I think. However my parents know things about me that I don't know, and so does my one friend. That's because I have forgotten much before sophomore year of high school. :m183:
I don't have any secrets but everything is on a need to know basis so different people know very different subsets of information about me. This does mean that sometimes people are quite surprised to learn something about me but I do think this is their own fault for being so narrow or making so many assumptions.

On the other hand, I do seem to know an awful lot of other people's tightly held closely guarded secrets and I think I'm good with keeping them.
My livejournal friend of ten years know this. And my ex hubby knows about the beginning of this, but not that it has continued. I had an affair at 16 with a man 19 years older that has lasted for fourteen years now. Not that I still have sex with him. But there is communication. And we last saw each other five years ago when he secretly flew out a few times in 2009. My hubby worked nights, so..
This "Xman" as I used to refer to him as is an INFP. Today he'll ask me about once every few months if he can please see me. I say no because in 2009 he f'd everything up by suggesting we try a real relationship. He shattered the perfect relationship we had by putting the idea in my head. We were better off before that. He really messed it all up. Because he changed his mind due to the fact that he is technically my dads adopted cousin. He is embarrassed by us. I couldn't care less what family thinks. But that is because I don't have a relationship with that family. My ex's fam is my fam now. So I had nothing to loose. This INFP character has everything to loose. Still irked me that he verbalized that thing we were never supposed to say.