Please do take this with a grain of salt and a few deep breaths.
I was a Psychiatric Social Worker before I became seriously ill. Not surprisingly, I scored high in one area, Dependent personality disorder. But, the dependence came AFTER the illness, and is a result of my total dependence upon my husband. I was fiercely independent before I got sick. My point is that my situation has caused this, and it can't be fixed with psychotherapy. It is not an internal problem like a true personality disorder.
I also scored moderate in Paranoid, schizotypal, borderline, and obsessive-compulsive, and I assure you that I am none of those and have extensive standard psych testing to prove it, except for some mild compulsive tendencies regarding getting chores done.
This test takes none of the person's back story into account, and you can't diagnose a personality disorder over the Internet. In fact, that would be practicing medicine without a license and is illegal.
IMO, It should be regarded as interesting and not much more, though you might want to read further in the one area where you scored very high and maybe ask those closest to you what they think. I hate to see you freaking out over this. Please go easy on yourself.....
ETA that the person who made up this test was definitely not INFJ. Anyone who says they have any psi ability will get labeled as Schizotypal to some degree, since the test assumes there is no such thing. Most INFJs know better.