I usually have a very long fuse for anger, but I can get irritated easily. I can't stand PA behavior (as many on here have said): If you have something to say,
say it. Don't be all namby-pamby, "hah, hah, I got you" about it. I ain't in kindergarten, and neither are you.
I like debates with reason, but without heated emotion or name-calling. That's not a debate to me; that's an argument. I also don't like it when I'm attempting to compromise or see another side, and the other person does. Not. Give. An. Inch. That's a pointless discussion, IMO.
I also don't like people who dredge up something that happened, like, five years ago, and they're still mad about it. I mean, I had a friend who told me she was still mad that I missed her party, even though it was ten years ago. I mean, really? How could you hold on to something that long?
Why would you? I want to talk those things out before they get to be something they hang over my head.
I don't like fake people either, as someone else put. Be who you are, but don't pretend. It's not necessary.
But really? Most of this stuff can be dealt with. I'm usually too polite to go off on someone and say, STFU!! because I don't have it in me to sustain that rage. I also don't like bosses who are the "hurry up and wait" types...that tell me something is due NOW when it's really due in three or four weeks. Or it could be friends/family who say they're ready to leave but it's really twenty minutes before we actually leave. I mean, I thought they said they were ready...? Oy.