Pet Peeves

A couple that bother almost everybody;
People being late (If you say 20 minutes, i plan to see you in 20 minutes. not 40.)
Laziness or general stupidity

But the real "Pet peeves" are more.. random?
Doors that are neither all the way open, or all the way closed (Drives me insane)
Different types of food touching (Fruit salad is satan)
Crooked pictures, or any other crooked objects.
Styrofoam & packing peanuts (The high pitched squeaking gives me shivers.)
It's not something I'd be judgmental about, but for some reason, having to observe open weakness or cowardliness in others or myself bugs me. Unless it's cute instead of whiny and pathetic.
A couple that bother almost everybody;
People being late (If you say 20 minutes, i plan to see you in 20 minutes. not 40.)
Laziness or general stupidity

But the real "Pet peeves" are more.. random?
Doors that are neither all the way open, or all the way closed (Drives me insane)
Different types of food touching (Fruit salad is satan)
Crooked pictures, or any other crooked objects.
Styrofoam & packing peanuts (The high pitched squeaking gives me shivers.)

I get the food peev
Not ass kissing or chronic ass kissers in general, but specifically when my ass is being kissed or sugar-coated. I am not a candy-ass; I do not want your shit sugar on it.

It's basically the equivalent of being openly rude to me, except that I'll be driven to be fake instead of being openly rude back.
Not ass kissing or chronic ass kissers in general, but specifically when my ass is being kissed or sugar-coated. I am not a candy-ass; I do not want your shit sugar on it.

It's basically the equivalent of being openly rude to me, except that I'll be driven to be fake instead of being openly rude back.

Perhaps (online, don't know 'bout IRL) your avatar sends a confusing message. :D j/k

"Shit sugar," I like.

I've probably mentioned this before, but to cement the fact, I greatly dislike it when people don't honor their word - or, if you don't, admit to it, accept it. Don't promise me you're going to do something, don't do it not out of necessity, but laziness and lack of integrity, and then give me a jumbled, laughable excuse (consisting of 4 different stories that contradict one another, and your own previous words) as to why you didn't.
Perhaps (online, don't know 'bout IRL) your avatar sends a confusing message. :D j/k

"Shit sugar," I like.

Teehee I know. n_n

I should point out that there's a difference between politeness or comforting or sincere compliments that have the follow up of wanting to connect with me as a person and care about me, and just outright faking niceness for some ulterior motive. I associate the latter form of niceness with blatant dishonesty and with the opposite of caring about my wellbeing because I'm not being told what I need to hear, and that's why it bothers me. Sometimes it's hard to tell between them so I try to suspend judgment about it.
I get irritated when I want to be alone, and can't be.
when i want to fart but can't fart
when i want to cuddles but cannot cuddles
when i want to sleep but cannot sleep

worst is when the only time you can fart is the time when you finally get to sleep or cuddles
People who walk in groups that block the pathway so that you can't get past them.
People who don't reply to a text/email etc when a response is required.
People who don't leave me alone when I've asked politely (mainly the fam. that do this)
This would have to be one that really, really annoys me for some reason-people who take wax out of their ears and then examine it on their fingers, and people who squeeze out their whiteheads/blackheads etc in a public place. Not only is it disgusting, but why someone would do it in a public place such as a train astounds me.
Slow drivers. Damn! Just because you don't have a life doesn't mean I don't. Why do you brake through a green light when nobody is in front of you? Why do you sit there when the arrow turns green? Why do you practically have to come to a complete stop before you turn? Why do you let every damn person out into traffic?--the general rule is one at a time mutha! Why can't you just go when it is your turn at the four way stop? Sit there and look all scared or stupid and then when I decide, fine I'll go, you finally start to creep out.

Indecisiveness over stupid things. Not everything is a life or death decision. Plain or Peanut M&M's??? I just don't know.....STFU

People who play stuff off like they know what you are talking about when they don't have a clue. If you don't understand my words, just say so.

People who don't respect my personal space and get too close or touch me.
Glitches. I must be a Type A personality..
Nothing drives me crazier at work and makes me want to throw my computer into the hallway more than the system glitching up when I'm trying to pull up a clients' info..
Nothing makes me want to kick my cubicle over Hulk-style more than when my coworkers misspell people's names and that is the reason why the system won't pull up clients' info..

Basically, when I feel like I know what I'm doing and someone/thing else's mistake keeps popping up.. because I have no control over that.
The 71946840392 bugs that are on my balcony right now, for no apparent reason.:m104:
People who type like a retarded, one-armed lab ape. Nothing annoys me more than people who constantly type their entire post in some f'ed up form of txt speak, run-on sentences with zero punctuation, or shit that is so incoherent that you need to drop 20 IQ points to decipher it...aka about 90% of the posts on Facebook.
People who type like a retarded, one-armed lab ape. Nothing annoys me more than people who constantly type their entire post in some f'ed up form of txt speak, run-on sentences with zero punctuation, or shit that is so incoherent that you need to drop 20 IQ points to decipher it...aka about 90% of the posts on Facebook.

srsly r u takin bout Sheepie?
Oh man...I many. You're all gonna think I hate everyone. I probably do.

-When I can hear the saliva in other peoples mouths while they are talking or chewing food.
-People who refuse to stand up for themselves and constantly end up being walked all over because of it.
-Make that, people who bitch about getting walked all over but don't DO anything about it.
-Someone tapping pens or other objects on surfaces constantly around me. My husband does this sometimes and it drives me batty.
-People sighing overtly loudly as soon as they get up to leave a room/or as soon as they enter a room as if they do it for no other reason than to draw attention to themselves.
-When I am reading/drawing or very obviously focused on something else and someone tries to start up meaningless BS talk with me.
-When I am reading/drawing etc. and someone sits directly across the room from me and stares at me.
-When someone walks into a room just to look at me and what is going on/what I am doing because there was a noise. For example: I am in the kitchen. I open the fridge because it is lunch time and I am making myself something to eat. My dad hears the fridge open and walks into the kitchen to stare at me for few seconds and then turns around and leaves. Do you feel better now that you know for certain what is happening in your kitchen? No one ever just gets food out of refrigerators, clearly there is something else going on!
-Being interrupted constantly. One or two times I will forgive, I do it sometimes if I get overwhelmed/excited about what's being talked about. If you are constantly talking over me as soon as I open my mouth, you can bet I will do my best not to interact with you at all whenever possible. Because you clearly don't give a shit what I have to say and only care about what you have to say, so why should I?
-Self narration just because there is another person sitting in the same room. "I'm cleaning the dishes, I'm washing the counters, I'm breathing, I'm talking to myself."


Okay I'll stop now. I think I do hate everyone.
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srsly r u takin bout Sheepie?

Haha, noooo! It honestly doesn't bother me when people do it here...probably because I know they are just doing it for the lulz and that they are completely capable of typing an intelligent, coherent post. Now, on Facedumb...that's another story. Seeing stuff like this makes me cringe:"
mygoshthisdramahastostop whatsgowingon welovezak whycantweallgetalong"
or "
i wishe i cold be a gost so i can come in your room and haunte you."
...urgh! That and status messages typed with tons of spelling errors (hello! Firefox and Chrome have spellcheck) or zero punctuation, long ass run on sentences where you can't tell where one stupid thought ends and the next begins.

edit: I have no idea why this post looks like that...I tried to fix it. Glitches...bah!