Pet Peeves

I get peeved when people state the type of others as if it were a fact, especially when it is based on such little information. Also, when people refuse to change their minds about something when more information or better explanations become available to them.

Yes to both
So while I was off doing something in the kitchen, I came back to my desk and decided to check my e-mail. While I was doing so, two of my siblings were behind me reading my mail as I read it. Not a big deal, but I guess I realized as they were doing so, I was getting irritated for no good reason XD (I wasn't mad though lol.) What are your pet peeves?
LOUD talkers!!!!!
1. Injustice and unfairness
2. People who manipulate and take advantage of others
3. Close-mindedness
4. When someone ask me to do something that I'm obviously about to do
5. Using my stuff without asking for my permission (especially if they somehow manage to damage it afterwards...urgh)
6. Entering my bedroom unannounced and engaging in a conversation with me...especially when I feel like being left alone
7. Eating my food
8. Generalisations and stereotypes
9. Rude drivers
10. Egoism

Wow...I never thought I had so many pet peeves and the more I think about it, the more examples I can come up with...I'm just going to stop at 10.
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people who don't look directly at you when you're talking to them. its probably shyness, but it makes me feel unvalued.
It's convenient that the thread is named what it is. Here's one of my biggest pet peeves: animals (mostly dogs) brought into stores, salons, restaurants, and other places intended for humans

It's a selfish behavior especially if the dog is a naturally aggressive breed. Excluding rare owners who require a working dog for medical reasons (not emotional support; that is beyond utter bullshit the vast majority of the time).

Just because I take care of dogs doesn't mean I'm a delusional member of society who values their lives over humans. I don't see them as equal members of society-- I think a lot of people make this assumption about me. They are valuable companions who need to be left at home or taken to a place intended for dogs.

Dogs have to be trained. And even if they are, they still have no place in a grocery cart. Using the emotional support animal shit as a license to transport dogs for free on airlines is garbage. Depending on the breed, the dog's personal safety is also at risk

That's all
People who tell me they have a great memory for details 6 times in the same week.

Or people that remember what happened three days ago when I can't remember if I or what I ate for breakfast!


Loud chewing
People who think that as long as they make it through the traffic lights that's OK. No consideration for others!
When you tell someone something and they throw it back in your face first opportunity
People that throw butts or rubbish out the car window

I'm a grumpy old man .. I can add to this list forever :)