I've been looking through this thread to compare people's test results and how it could relate to how they present themselves as a person*, and some results are kind of unexpected. (There are others that seem to fit quite well, such as Acd, Flower, Ren and SpecialEdition.)
*I can't look inside your heads, which is exactly the problem. Would anyone be up for explaining their reasoning behind some of the answers? (The answers they feel are the most important to them.)
April, you said you were surprised at your rationalism result. I am too. Do you have any idea why it turned out that way?
Then there's Grimm, who shows up as way more spiritual than he presents himself here, or ReasonEnduring, whose rationalism is very romanticized.

Dragulagu, I'm interested in your spiritualism result.
As for myself, I was surprised by my skepticism result, so I'm going to investigate that. Adios.