omg fake news guys lets bury this story!
Most likely, within a month nobody will even remember Pizzagate.
omg fake news guys lets bury this story!
I think my theory of political redirection is more likely and and makes more sense than a political pedophile ring, but it is just another theory like all the other stuff floating around that we need to 'keep an open mind about'.Pizzagate is almost exclusively a non-media conversation. The only coverage it gets in the msm is in connection to pro-censorship agendas for social media.
Your worries about political redirection seem pretty null.
Agreed.I think my theory of political redirection is more likely and and makes more sense than a political pedophile ring, but it is just another theory like all the other stuff floating around that we need to 'keep an open mind about'.
I am boycotting Pizza
I am boycotting Pizza
I know my definitions, thanks. Your use of distraction techniques to make it seem like I am not as smart as you is typical when people don't have a good argument to make.
The pedophile investigations do what they can but there have bigger fish to fry than politicians. Why are you so certain that politicians are rife with pedophiles? Most people aren't politicians, ergo most pedophiles aren't politicians, so concentrating your efforts on that group would likely be a massive waste of resources. And if they get some credible information they probably do investigate politicians. How do you know they haven't investigated politicians but have found no evidence? Thankfully not everything the police does is on the 'news'. Is the point of these investigations to save children? or just to appeal to the mass hysteria of false news enthusiasts?
People don't have to have something to hide to not want to have their livelihood threatened and their reputation put through the mud because of false accusations.
Funny, liberals don't know the truth from fantasy and promote bs news stories all the time. So when we talk about what people want, let's add liberals to the worst of what the world has to offer.I am not at all against public scrutiny for politicians. I think it's part of the job, as it should be. However, Pizzagate takes some large stretches of the imagination and is full of lies and half-truths. That's not scrutiny, that's defamation and character assassination. Being critical of fake news is not saying that scrutiny is not allowed. If anything, false news takes away from real threats and makes us question everything, which then may let real issues slide under the radar because they aren't as exciting as the story lines created by fake news. I think this is exactly what Republicans want (not all Republicans, just douchebag ones which unfortunately there are way too many of), if they make up stories that are so horrifying then they will get away with doing bad things, which compared to a pedophile ring wont' seem so bad.
*knocks on @Wonky Oracle's back door holding a pizza*Gone pretty quiet in here, is it safe to order Pizza again?
Just let yourself in. The door's a little sticky, so you might need to lean on it a bit.*knocks on @Wonky Oracle's back door holding a pizza*
Just let yourself in. The door's a little sticky, so you might need to lean on it a bit.
I sneak in all the time to eat pretzels... I buy more then sneak in again to restock Wonk's pantry.I'm not sure I want to know why Wonky's door is sticky, nor how you know that.![]()
I sneak in all the time to eat pretzels... I buy more then sneak in again to restock Wonk's pantry.