planning ahead


How do you think about or handle planning ahead?

I know this is a J thing. But as an INFP, when I learned organization skills and learning to work with a schedule and meet deadlines I felt more productive and effective. However, it stresses me out. Planning ahead helps but sometimes, always having to plan ahead tires me out. Sometimes, I just want to focus on one task at a time and be in the moment.

So, how about you?
I have a diary, and I also use the calendar function on my phone to note things that are coming up in the near future ie. assignments, social events etc. I never have a detailed plan about what exactly I want to complete and when, but I do like to have an idea of when I'd like to have something completed by.
I'm pretty sure I am fairly far end J! My family are all serious P's and this caused me much stress as a child, I because quite rigid and inflexible and was prone to panic attacks and hsyteria if anything too major cropped up last minute and I wasn't warned.

Fortunately I have mellowed out as I have got older!! :D It's hard to even say how I do it, because it's just second nature to me. I have diary and I pencil in all of my social events, one on one catch up time, errands and appointments. I am also a big fan of to do lists. I constantly write them and get great satisfaction out of ticking off each individual task.

I am a creature of habit. There are certain things I always do during my week that don't need second thought. I love working jobs where I know my hours will fall on the same day. Not knowing my work hours till the day before the week begins stresses me greatly. I do a weekly food shop on the same day (usually at the same time!) every week. I plan weekly menus. Despite the fact I no longer consider myself a christian I still go to church almost every sunday.

Since having a child I find I've had to really learn how to manage stress, as a lot of the ways I like to do things aren't always possible. I can have a day off to myself, a lovely great to do list of household chores, and get almost nothing done. I'm learning to try and be more "p" about it all!
Outlook calander

I almost never do this kind of stuff. I have sometimes tried to make lists of things to do in a day, but then I start worrying about the difficulty curve of the lists and the (sometimes necessary) ambiguity of the items on them and so on. But for the most part, no organization.

I'm planning on making a Shirley Temple and smoking a cigarette sometime in the very near future. After that, I have no idea.
Half the time when I daydream I am planning, or visualising future tasks.

When I come out of my daydream I'll take detailed notes which include details on what the major steps to achieve a goal are; the particular steps in each major step; the best people to assign to each part of the work (if work related); and the resources needed for each step.

I really love it when a well prepared plan leads to smooth execution and the desired outcome.

Like [MENTION=5297]Neverwhere[/MENTION] I don't like last minute surprises - however, over time I have developed the ability to modify/make new plans quickly on the spot to deal with unexpected contingencies - in a very effective way.

I remember reading in one type description of INFJs that when an emergency breaks out, we remain calm and quickly determine the best plan of action to deal with the situation. That is very true of me.

iow I love planning
I set long term goals and then break those down into short term goals. This way I stay on track and can make modifications along the way without losing sight of my vision. Most of the time it works for me, sometimes I get sick of it, but then if I don't write stuff down I'll very often forget to do it. I have lists, charts, planners, calendars...As I'm reading this back to myself it's sounding a little obsessive. :becky: Maybe they make pills for this.
I'm pretty sure I am fairly far end J! My family are all serious P's and this caused me much stress as a child, I because quite rigid and inflexible and was prone to panic attacks and hsyteria if anything too major cropped up last minute and I wasn't warned.

Fortunately I have mellowed out as I have got older!! :D It's hard to even say how I do it, because it's just second nature to me. I have diary and I pencil in all of my social events, one on one catch up time, errands and appointments. I am also a big fan of to do lists. I constantly write them and get great satisfaction out of ticking off each individual task.

I am a creature of habit. There are certain things I always do during my week that don't need second thought. I love working jobs where I know my hours will fall on the same day. Not knowing my work hours till the day before the week begins stresses me greatly. I do a weekly food shop on the same day (usually at the same time!) every week. I plan weekly menus. Despite the fact I no longer consider myself a christian I still go to church almost every sunday.

Since having a child I find I've had to really learn how to manage stress, as a lot of the ways I like to do things aren't always possible. I can have a day off to myself, a lovely great to do list of household chores, and get almost nothing done. I'm learning to try and be more "p" about it all!

I could have written that post. Having a child really really caused me to force myself to change my ways as far as how I can handle the unexpected and not FREAK OUT! I am on the far end J too. Lol
I could have written that post. Having a child really really caused me to force myself to change my ways as far as how I can handle the unexpected and not FREAK OUT! I am on the far end J too. Lol

It's so hard isn't it? I find around my period I'm a lot narkier and have to try and not get annoyed with my child because she's causing me to be so unproductive!! haha
I plan, plan, plan, plan all the time. "ahead" is subjective.
Bitches don't know about my iphone calendar.
More like bitches don't care

That's embarrassing, because you singularly failed to invalidate the earlier statement.

You should plan better.
That's embarrassing, you think I care Scottish Lurv Bug.

Next time I will plan on kissing you when you bother me....
It's so hard isn't it? I find around my period I'm a lot narkier and have to try and not get annoyed with my child because she's causing me to be so unproductive!! haha

I'm secretly jealous of Sensors and P's If I could be anyone it would be ESFP.
Sometimes I wish I was better organised. Everthing normally comes together somehow but it would probably be less stressful for me if I was better organised. I do plan things in my head, sometimes rigorously. But I only write things out for work or projects when Im working with other people and they are depending on me for some reason. Writing out lists and filing really piss me off. Ive had to work in admin several times and although I was ok at it, I hated it. Ive never been able to fill out and maintain a diary, schedule or calendar. I dislike routines and too many rules and structures. Most of my bill are paid after I receive a reminder, because I'll just forget otherwise. Theres a lot of things that are considered important that I dont worry about too much.

People that know me either think Im ridiculously organised or ridiculously easy going and spontaneous. Things still get done so Im not too concerned
I'm organised. Just don't have a lot of long-term goals at the moment besides completing uni.
I have a calendar and diary. I write up a weekly schedule on a scrap of paper every few days.
Sticking to the plan or procrastinating, is another matter (damn/ thank god for infjf) :)