Political Stereotypes

Flavus Aquila

Finding My Place in the Sun
Just finished reading an article on a fictional character (TV series). The character was described as "very conservative, but not malicious".

Since when did conservative normally equate with malice?

The stereotypes of political affiliation seems so strange to me. Here in Aus left-wing politics is portrayed as the 'intelligentsia', but virtually the entire left voter-base are unskilled, low-income workers. The right wing is portrayed as 'racist red-neck', but most of the right voter-base here are professionals and business people.

The way these stereotypes seem to work is very counter-intuitive.

How do these stereotypes come about? How accurate are they?
Media manipulation to serve an agenda of confusion of fear.

Sounds similar here in the US.

Historically the Left = the Democrats = which used to represent the worker = Labor = Unions = blue collar type families. When the jobs moved elsewhere they became the poor and disenfranchised and needed more social services. The Democrats have always pushed for equality and social services spending.

Historically the Right = The Republicans = Conservatives = has favored and passed laws to protect the Businessman. They are about money going in to the pockets of those that deserve. Hence the reason they tend to attract the religious fundamentalists too. <---- Perhaps they are the rednecks?
Media manipulation to serve an agenda of confusion of fear.

Sounds similar here in the US.

Historically the Left = the Democrats = which used to represent the worker = Labor = Unions = blue collar type families. When the jobs moved elsewhere they became the poor and disenfranchised and needed more social services. The Democrats have always pushed for equality and social services spending.

Historically the Right = The Republicans = Conservatives = has favored and passed laws to protect the Businessman. They are about money going in to the pockets of those that deserve. Hence the reason they tend to attract the religious fundamentalists too. <---- Perhaps they are the rednecks?

Such a strange pairing: professionals/business people with rednecks; and struggle-street people with humanities-academics.
Just finished reading an article on a fictional character (TV series). The character was described as "very conservative, but not malicious".

Since when did conservative normally equate with malice?

The stereotypes of political affiliation seems so strange to me. Here in Aus left-wing politics is portrayed as the 'intelligentsia', but virtually the entire left voter-base are unskilled, low-income workers. The right wing is portrayed as 'racist red-neck', but most of the right voter-base here are professionals and business people.

The way these stereotypes seem to work is very counter-intuitive.

How do these stereotypes come about? How accurate are they?

The media and education system here in America are run by left wing ideology. Its actually a brilliant move on their part. Spread disinformation through the easiest means possible. It actually quite disillusioning for me to realize its so easy for people to lie and get away with it.
Media manipulation to serve an agenda of confusion of fear.

Sounds similar here in the US.

Historically the Left = the Democrats = which used to represent the worker = Labor = Unions = blue collar type families. When the jobs moved elsewhere they became the poor and disenfranchised and needed more social services. The Democrats have always pushed for equality and social services spending.

Historically the Right = The Republicans = Conservatives = has favored and passed laws to protect the Businessman. They are about money going in to the pockets of those that deserve. Hence the reason they tend to attract the religious fundamentalists too. <---- Perhaps they are the rednecks?

Nice. Rednecks generally are not wealthy businessmen. Or at least you cant say a majority of wealthy businessmen are rednecks. Republicans believe that allowing businesses to grow absent ridiculous taxes helps them hire more people. Its not about giving them tax "breaks" its about not taxing them MORE just because they make more money. I am all for getting rid of loopholes but everyone regardless of income should be taxed the same.

And Democrats. ..they dont live in reality
Ok, so by "rednecks" I'm going to assume you mean rural communities. And as a side comment, religious extremists do NOT line up with "rednecks". I have seen far more people running around streets yelling at people "You're going to Hell! And you are going to Hell! And you are definitely going to Hell!!!" (this guy was a priest at a local church) in cities than in rural communities. If the extremists exist in the rural areas, then they are quite comparatively. And that is possible because most people agree so they have no reason to be loud.

Culture is what is thought to play a role here. Studies have shown that rural and primarily southern communities tend to follow what is called an Honor culture. This has, as a piece, the idea of earn your piece, and get only what you deserve. This is because there isn't a lot of stuff in rural communities (then are poor) so you have to earn what you get. You don't get it freely. Conversely, business people, to be successful, tend to need to work to achieve it. This means these people probably have a work -> achievement ideal, which will be compatible with the rural honor culture.
Ok, so by "rednecks" I'm going to assume you mean rural communities. And as a side comment, religious extremists do NOT line up with "rednecks". I have seen far more people running around streets yelling at people "You're going to Hell! And you are going to Hell! And you are definitely going to Hell!!!" (this guy was a priest at a local church) in cities than in rural communities. If the extremists exist in the rural areas, then they are quite comparatively. And that is possible because most people agree so they have no reason to be loud.

Culture is what is thought to play a role here. Studies have shown that rural and primarily southern communities tend to follow what is called an Honor culture. This has, as a piece, the idea of earn your piece, and get only what you deserve. This is because there isn't a lot of stuff in rural communities (then are poor) so you have to earn what you get. You don't get it freely. Conversely, business people, to be successful, tend to need to work to achieve it. This means these people probably have a work -> achievement ideal, which will be compatible with the rural honor culture.

My definition of redneck amounts to this. People who make no attempt to think for themselves. People who are fine with ignorance and following. People who have no notion of a world outside their county or state borders. People who perpetuate lack of knowledge because it makes them feel more secure. Unfortunately this type seems to populate the interior of the US and gulf states.
My definition of redneck amounts to this. People who make no attempt to think for themselves. People who are fine with ignorance and following. People who have no notion of a world outside their county or state borders. People who perpetuate lack of knowledge because it makes them feel more secure. Unfortunately this type seems to populate the interior of the US and gulf states.

Well then that demonstrates how ignorant you are about geopolitical correlations. I'm from rural America. I grew up outside a small town of 2000 in the heart of the Midwest. Do you think that I'm ignorant? Do you think that I don't think for myself?

If that is your definition of redneck, then your going to find a LOT of rednecks in cities and suburbs. Idiocy does not exist entirely within, or even mostly within, rural communities. The fact that you seem to think so is insulting. One of the quickest ways to get on my bad side is to make comments like you did here.

Idiocy exists everywhere. Even in academia. Even among scholars. It exists in so many different forms. The fact that you are so short sighted as to blame one small piece of the idiocy is in itself but another representation. Even if you start picking out certain kinds of intelligences, and look for correlations therein, you'll notice that while trend do emerge, they have little more significance than the tendency for men to be taller than women.
Just finished reading an article on a fictional character (TV series). The character was described as "very conservative, but not malicious".

Since when did conservative normally equate with malice?

The stereotypes of political affiliation seems so strange to me. Here in Aus left-wing politics is portrayed as the 'intelligentsia', but virtually the entire left voter-base are unskilled, low-income workers. The right wing is portrayed as 'racist red-neck', but most of the right voter-base here are professionals and business people.

The way these stereotypes seem to work is very counter-intuitive.

How do these stereotypes come about? How accurate are they?

I think that the term "conservative" doesn't refer to the political ideology, but the personal form which is (according to Merriam-Webster):

"not liking or accepting changes or new ideas"
Check your privilege, flavus.
It seems that often partisans own and continually recruit specific demographics (and when they seem mismatched there might be a historical turning-point that cemented that political loyalty)

@OP: Depending on your background, 'conservative' can mean a lot of different things. Lately, at least on my side of the pond, it's not too many good things
Well then that demonstrates how ignorant you are about geopolitical correlations. I'm from rural America. I grew up outside a small town of 2000 in the heart of the Midwest. Do you think that I'm ignorant? Do you think that I don't think for myself?

If that is your definition of redneck, then your going to find a LOT of rednecks in cities and suburbs. Idiocy does not exist entirely within, or even mostly within, rural communities. The fact that you seem to think so is insulting. One of the quickest ways to get on my bad side is to make comments like you did here.

Idiocy exists everywhere. Even in academia. Even among scholars. It exists in so many different forms. The fact that you are so short sighted as to blame one small piece of the idiocy is in itself but another representation. Even if you start picking out certain kinds of intelligences, and look for correlations therein, you'll notice that while trend do emerge, they have little more significance than the tendency for men to be taller than women.

Nowhere did I say all people from middle America or the south are ignorant. But if you wish to take offense you will. And there wil be nothing I can say that will cause you to think otherwise.
Nowhere did I say all people from middle America or the south are ignorant. But if you wish to take offense you will. And there wil be nothing I can say that will cause you to think otherwise.

I respect this response. However you did suggest that ignorant people are from middle America.

Unfortunately this type seems to populate the interior of the US and gulf states
I respect this response. However you did suggest that ignorant people are from middle America.

Ignorant people are from all over. However I do believe that ignorance is fostered at a greater level in the areas mentioned. Costal locations have more direct exposure to other cultures and I think this plays a heavy role.
Ignorant people are from all over. However I do believe that ignorance is fostered at a greater level in the areas mentioned. Costal locations have more direct exposure to other cultures and I think this plays a heavy role.

Actually, people tend to be the way they are going to be. Then they move to areas that are like the way that they are. People who are, say, high in Openness will tend to move away from rural areas and into cities. People who are low in openness will tend to move away from cities and into rural areas. However that does not relate to intelligence. While middle America is lower in openness, they are higher in agreeableness. Which means they are more likely to get along. I actually couldn't find any studies that looked at intelligence across the united states like we have for personality. But I didn't look to closely
Where I'm from, the Democrats are the wealthy businessmen/women and the Republicans are the middle lower class racists.
I think that the term "conservative" doesn't refer to the political ideology, but the personal form which is (according to Merriam-Webster):

"not liking or accepting changes or new ideas"

How does that relate to malice?