political violence

The "pro-life" party.
Just until they are forced to give birth.
Then they could give a flying fuck if they starve to death or freeze.
Just like this "healthcare" plan they are still trying to ram through....would severely cut/gut Medicaid, which insures a lot of children.
It also includes the defunding of planned parenthood...so though we are forcing you to have the child, we are also taking away access to prenatal care for anyone who is poor....cause that's just what Jesus would do.
Childcare here costs people just as much every month as their mortgage on their house.
There is no way for some working parents to take any time off to take care of a sick child..."family medical leave act" my ass...employers will flat out fire people for that.

What we are talking about is violence....but it's the insidious kind written into laws and passed by elected officials who are supposed to have the best interest of the people in mind.
So what do people do when inevitably the system screws them over?
Hire a lawyer they can't afford?
Spam memes on Facebook?
The frustration builds and violence on both sides will erupt again and again.
The difference is one side is actively encouraging such reprehensible acts like the above meme of protestors being run over.
Hahahahahaha....so funny that that young lady died.
Hahahahaha....here's some videos of people being shot with rubber bullets and pepper spray.
Just so long as they are liberals, who fucking cares that they are human and are exercising their right to protest.
Fox News actively has contributed to the violence involving clashes with police.
Racist ass police in racist assbackward states makes all the cops look like they are the enemy of the people and not there to protect and serve but rather to seize your property and shoot you on a whim.
Because we all know they won't be convicted.
Most incarcerated population on Earth and you still think this is the land of the free?
It's not profitable.
But of course there is absolutely no problem with the cops and our larger criminal justice system now overseen by the head Keebler elf of all racist dicks himself Jeff Sessions.
I actually agree with Trump calling him an idiot.

Back to the topic....
I have never seen the left promoting violence.
I don't doubt that it happens...such as the precieved anger against cops.
Or people showing up to physically clash with Nazis.
Though being in opposition to hate groups does not make you one also.
I have however seen the right do it quite often.
The excuses for why it's okay are endless....race, black lives matter, liberals, gays, Mexicans, women, the list can go on and on of groups where the right has purposefully incited more hatred and violence and then they try to blame the counter protestors, the ones that are NOT okay with Nazis the KKK and other assorted douchebags spreading their messages of hate, separation, the fight to retain white supremacy in the United States.
That is what Trump boils down to - the last dying gasps of conservative, old, white, men.
The outdated ideals of the Boomers - THE most selfish and destructive generation we have had in this country and its impact around the world.
Violence is never okay to condone....yet Trump would quite often laugh and offer to pay the legal fees of anyone who got in trouble for assaulting protestors or just people he didn't like at his rallies.
So go on ahead and assault anyone you disagree with...we're back to physical attacks for political fearmongering and crowd enjoyment of human pain.
Disgusting people enjoy that.
Sociopaths enjoy that.
Human garbage enjoys that kind of violence.
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Not to mention Trump's rhetoric of "completely destroying North Korea".
I guess it's okay since it would mostly be the South Koreans and the Japanese taking the most casualties in the event of an actual conflict.
He acts like a fucking 5 year old who had their toy train taken away.
His words only serve to promote more violence around the world.
Not to mention Trump's rhetoric of "completely destroying North Korea".
I guess it's okay since it would mostly be the South Koreans and the Japanese taking the most casualties in the event of an actual conflict.
He acts like a fucking 5 year old who had their toy train taken away.
His words only serve to promote more violence around the world.

He's a "shock jock" who says anything to get attention.
Not to mention Trump's rhetoric of "completely destroying North Korea".
I guess it's okay since it would mostly be the South Koreans and the Japanese taking the most casualties in the event of an actual conflict.
He acts like a fucking 5 year old who had their toy train taken away.
His words only serve to promote more violence around the world.
And hopefully Japan doesn't get screwed because they really only have defensive capabilities. Sure they have some of the best defensive tech in the world due to the fact that they don't have an offensive military, but you can only defend so much when your opponent is free to escalate because they can't be hit back.
And hopefully Japan doesn't get screwed because they really only have defensive capabilities. Sure they have some of the best defensive tech in the world due to the fact that they don't have an offensive military, but you can only defend so much when your opponent is free to escalate because they can't be hit back.
I feel bad for those guys. Nuclear is not their friend. Just...not at all.
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And hopefully Japan doesn't get screwed because they really only have defensive capabilities. Sure they have some of the best defensive tech in the world due to the fact that they don't have an offensive military, but you can only defend so much when your opponent is free to escalate because they can't be hit back.
Yes, the flapping lips spewing verbal diarrhea from our “President” on twitter just needs to stop.
He clearly doesn’t understand geopolitical ANYTHING and has made it quite clear that he doesn’t care if people die or get hurt.
It’s comical to me that Melania is overseeing a new Anti-Bullying campaign in schools when her husband is the biggest bully of them all.
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Really glad Trump is letting North Korea know what's up in no uncertain terms. Where Obama would have paid them money for them to use on their nuclear program just as every Democrat President has done in at least the past few decades, Trump is putting an end to allowing the regime to do whatever it likes. Just really glad we have a leader handling this now rather than an impotent ostrich.
What an excellent first lady Meliana makes compared to Obama's wife. Classy.
Really glad Trump is letting North Korea know what's up in no uncertain terms. Where Obama would have paid them money for them to use on their nuclear program just as every Democrat President has done in at least the past few decades, Trump is putting an end to allowing the regime to do whatever it likes.

Not to be confused with Framework agreement.
The Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was signed on October 21, 1994, between North Korea (DPRK) and the United States. The objective of the agreement was the freezing and replacement of North Korea's indigenous nuclear power plant program with more nuclear proliferation resistant light water reactor power plants, and the step-by-step normalization of relations between the U.S. and the DPRK. Implementation of the agreement was troubled from the start, but its key elements were being implemented until it effectively broke down in 2003.
Soon after the agreement was signed, U.S. Congress control changed to the Republican Party, who did not support the agreement.[16][17] Some Republican Senators were strongly against the agreement, regarding it as appeasement.[18][19] Initially, U.S. Department of Defense emergency funds not under Congress' control were used to fund the transitional oil supplies under the agreement,[20] together with international funding. From 1996 Congress provided funding, though not always sufficient amounts.[11][21] Consequently, some of the agreed transitional oil supplies were delivered late.[22] KEDO's first director, Stephen Bosworth, later commented "The Agreed Framework was a political orphan within two weeks after its signature".[23]

Some analysts believe North Korea agreed to the freeze primarily because of the U.S. agreement to phase out economic sanctions that had been in place since the Korean War. But because of congressional opposition, the U.S. failed to deliver on this part of the agreement.[24]
Really glad Trump is letting North Korea know what's up in no uncertain terms. Where Obama would have paid them money for them to use on their nuclear program just as every Democrat President has done in at least the past few decades, Trump is putting an end to allowing the regime to do whatever it likes. Just really glad we have a leader handling this now rather than an impotent ostrich.
What an excellent first lady Meliana makes compared to Obama's wife. Classy.
Yeah...classy trophy wife for sure.
And yep...Trump is a super tough guy...watch out!
He wrote “The Art of the deal” you know - except he didn’t really write it.
All he has is more playground bully gibberish in the form of Tweets.
I find it sad that people think so highly of such a piece of human garbage, and fall for his snake-oil salesman persona.
Sales Reps are the fucking worst...I know, I was one for DePuy (Johnson & Johnson) for 2 years and hated every minute...but he sold the country a pile of nothing.
Healthcare- lied and said everyone would have it and it would be better for less - fucked up and going to make it worse.
Education - hires a woman to push privatization aka price gouging - fucked up and going to make it worse.
Taxes - trying to cut 1.5 trillion, which will create huge deficits across the US - fucked up and going to really make it worse.
Infrastructure - fixing sections of the “Wall”...more lies - what the fuck is infrastructure?
Economy - Let’s try trickle down economics again since it worked so well the first time around to make the rich richer while the middle class and poor pay the taxes.
Before ANY tax plan - I and many others would like to see just how the tax plan will personally benefit Trump and his minions.
He promised to release the tax returns - more BS.
The largest tax breaks will go to corporate America...not to those who really need the help.
(But it will all trickle down of course...you’ll get more jobs, I’m sure they will give everyone at the company a raise, better benefits, etc. just wait...I’m sure that’s what will happen.)
So go ahead and ignore all his falsehoods....cause he talks tough.
Derp de derp!

I see you are really glad that he cheats on his taxes, cheats on his wives, lies constantly to the public.
And if you still cannot see that then you are purposefully playing the part of the “impotent ostrich” yourself by burying your head in the sands of Fox news and Breitbart.
Who knew being POTUS could be soooo hard...boo-hoo...go play more golf you orange spray-painted twit.
How much time and money has been spent by him and his family privately traveling, not to mention several of the cabinet members abusing tax payer dollars for Honeymoon trips and Secret Service protection - fucking comp the rooms at your golf resort for them Mr. Trump - but instead he is now waaaay over budget and the taxpayers are paying - not the fucking rich guy who owns the place...the people living paycheck to paycheck.
Just so long as he keeps talking tough to everyone though I guess and making us the laughing stock at the UN with his childish and just plain stupid speech.
Just so long as he keeps being a twitter bully, liar, and troll he’s your guy!
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Really glad Trump is letting North Korea know what's up in no uncertain terms. Where Obama would have paid them money for them to use on their nuclear program just as every Democrat President has done in at least the past few decades, Trump is putting an end to allowing the regime to do whatever it likes. Just really glad we have a leader handling this now rather than an impotent ostrich.
What an excellent first lady Meliana makes compared to Obama's wife. Classy.
His threats are irrelevant if they don't take him seriously. Which they don't.
If we're going to cut straight to them being "unfortunate" then just do it and skip the pointless blather in the middle.

Show, don't tell.
Well China just froze banking with North Korea thanks to Trump. Seems like they are taking things seriously now.
Well China just froze banking with North Korea thanks to Trump. Seems like they are taking things seriously now.
First of all, that's China. Secondly, sanctions are unlikely to change anything about North Korea. They're already used to being dirt poor and cut off.
First of all, that's China. Secondly, sanctions are unlikely to change anything about North Korea. They're already used to being dirt poor and cut off.
The population is used to being dirt poor but that not the same as when little Un can't get his favorate lotion any more.