LOL yesssNe.... it's cheaper than crack.
Ha. If I was going to lie about this, it would be pointless to do it on a forum. What do I care what you people think? As it happens, Fi is probably the function I use most... and I'm not really all that jazzed about it. I just don't really get the whole having a pet function thing. But I've always been more into holism philosophically..
It's not ignorant. You could argue very easily for the like or dislike of any function. The reason is, not all functions are created equal. As an example, my Ni is way different, then say QP's Ni. Same function, but they behave way different in each of us. You can make sound favorites or disfavorites if you look at the exremes of it. When choosing a favorite function I looked at the best possible case, what it looks like when it is a lovely example of what the function should and can be, then the reverse for a bad function.
...and you know how much I like boxes
It's something to talk about, it gives insight to peoples different persectives and how they see and think about the other functions. It's not about doing favors or disfavors, it's about learning and fun.
I don't see how it's doing anyone any favors though.
What is beneficial about picking apart some cognition and favoriting it over others, so that to some extent.. the others get neglected?
Ne.... it's cheaper than crack.
Eh? How so? I am intrigued by this and what you mean by it. Do you just like figuring things out? Cause I know that can be superfun.I like Ti cause its like my own little play land. I love my Ni, but my Ti is more like a toy.
I see that only I voted Se whereas it has 4 votes in most disliked. Am I missing out by not losing keys, bumping into things, stepping in dog crap, or falling over?
But falling over is hilarious!