Possible solutions to the worlds problems

I'll try to remember to post the (2nd) upcoming 3rd party test of Rossi's e-cat... this series was run for hundreds to thousands of hours, and it seems that it should be published in a couple of weeks. Mats Lewan, who was involved with the first test and others of the e-cat, alluded to it when he announced he would be releasing a new edition of his book about the e-cat, as well as others who have 'leaked' a similar approximate timetable. All this while Industrial Heat prepares for mass production...

So how soon are we looking at to realistically have fusion up and running and replacing oil?

Kids are insanely expensive these days...
I see where Kissinger has written a new book on world order.

copied: Kissinger was a key shaper of a world order that remained stable for a quarter century or more until our own post-cold war era. This urgently written book is a fine account of world order in the longue duree, and also a memorandum to future generations of policymakers that the next half-century will be no easier to manage than the most recent one.
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I see where Kissinger has written a new book on world order.

copied: Kissinger was a key shaper of a world order that remained stable for a quarter century or more until our own post-cold war era. This urgently written book is a fine account of world order in the longue duree, and also a memorandum to future generations of policymakers that the next half-century will be no easier to manage than the most recent one.

Kissinger did not create peace, he helped bomb and kill millions of people in many different ways

There wasn't peace in the cold war the US just fought through other people in what were called 'proxy wars'

This meant that people died and suffered all around the world for kissingers policies

He is a war criminal

He is still upto his games and sure enough millions of people are still being killed all around the world

Kissinger compared US soldiers to dumb animals and pawns to be used in the games of powerful men....indeed thats how he feels about all of us

He and his buddies want to take your guns away, burn your constitution and force on you a totalitarian police state; they also want to reduce population numbers drastically which unless you are part of their club will include YOU

They also intend to move you out of the countryside as part of their UN Agenda 21 plan and put you in hunger games style population centres that will be tightly controlled (no freedom)
So how soon are we looking at to realistically have fusion up and running and replacing oil?

Up and running, it already is. Almost totally replacing oil and coal would be possible, but unlikely, in a decade (less even, if people were serious)... my guess is less than a decade more for people to start pressuring politicians, and less than two decades for oil to be almost totally gone.
If everyone adopted the being mode of existence as opposed to the having mode of existence. I'm doing my own individual part to that end. And spreading the word too.

Also if there wasnt a grand plan to absorb christianity into judahism and eliminate the remainder and islam with secular atheism leaving judahism the one remaining world religion. I like a lot of Jewish thinkers, some of the pre-zionist Jewish politics and almost all of the humourists and witticism but I dont like those designs on the future.
Kissinger did not create peace, he helped bomb and kill millions of people in many different ways

They also intend to move you out of the countryside as part of their UN Agenda 21 plan and put you in hunger games style population centres that will be tightly controlled (no freedom)

And he has admitted that the current drone war is acutally killing millions around the world!
there were fewer civilian casualties in Cambodia than there have been from American drone attacks
And he has admitted that the current drone war is acutally killing millions around the world!

I'm not going to pin everything on kissnger, he is simply one mind in a gang of people who all share a vision of centralising control

Obviously control can be centralised at all levels of human existence. A CEO can rule a corporation unilaterally, a government can rule a country unilaterally and a country can rule a grouping of countries....but the ultimate manifestation of centralised power and the wet dream of kissinger and his globalist clique is to have a world government that controls...well...the world!

World control

Of course the more centralised the decision making becomes the less say that you and i have in matters

Just imagine how removed our voice would be from a world government...it wouldn't even be heard.

So how do people behave when they live in the rarified atmosphere of great wealth and privilege? Do they know how to connect with the common man and woman? Do they underfstand the daily plight of the common man or woman?

Or do they become decadant, debauched, corrupt and removed from reality, completely unable to empathise with the average person on the street and completely unsympathetic to their plight?

History would tell us that it is the latter

It is for this reason that handing over total power to kissinger and his globalist clique would be disasterous for you and me

The only way that you and me can ensure that the world remains sympathetic to our plight as regular people is for us to have a say in the decision making and that means pushing for power to be decentralised down to the people
I have a solution: remove what makes us human

The problem isn't with the human humans the problem is with the psychopaths; they are a species apart

So we need to remove the inhuman from the humans
Up and running, it already is. Almost totally replacing oil and coal would be possible, but unlikely, in a decade (less even, if people were serious)... my guess is less than a decade more for people to start pressuring politicians, and less than two decades for oil to be almost totally gone.

And where exactly do you get your information that nuclear fusion is up and running?
Up and running, it already is. Almost totally replacing oil and coal would be possible, but unlikely, in a decade (less even, if people were serious)... my guess is less than a decade more for people to start pressuring politicians, and less than two decades for oil to be almost totally gone.


Its always nice to get some good news :)
right, let's exorcise the devil out of people.

Nah just use brain scans to identify the psychopaths

Especially those in power

There are other telltales as well such as a low resting heart rate; psychos ned to do increasingly insane things to get a buzz so eventually if they remain at large long enough they will kill someone; if they get into government they can even kill millions of people and all legitimately
Nah just use brain scans to identify the psychopaths

Especially those in power

There are other telltales as well such as a low resting heart rate; psychos ned to do increasingly insane things to get a buzz so eventually if they remain at large long enough they will kill someone; if they get into government they can even kill millions of people and all legitimately

You way misunderstand psychopaths. One of my friends is a psychopath (according to the levenson test and my own observations) and he's a really cool guy. Never would hurt anyone. Your stereotyping of psychopaths and the way you differentiate them as a different race somehow actually justifies claiming you a racist (not the normal use but nonetheless true)
Nah just use brain scans to identify the psychopaths

Especially those in power

There are other telltales as well such as a low resting heart rate; psychos ned to do increasingly insane things to get a buzz so eventually if they remain at large long enough they will kill someone; if they get into government they can even kill millions of people and all legitimately

You way misunderstand psychopaths. One of my friends is a psychopath (according to the levenson test and my own observations) and he's a really cool guy. Never would hurt anyone. Your stereotyping of psychopaths and the way you differentiate them as a different race somehow actually justifies claiming you a racist (not the normal use but nonetheless true)
You way misunderstand psychopaths. One of my friends is a psychopath (according to the levenson test and my own observations) and he's a really cool guy. Never would hurt anyone. Your stereotyping of psychopaths and the way you differentiate them as a different race somehow actually justifies claiming you a racist (not the normal use but nonetheless true)

Boy am i suprised to find you popping up to act the role of apologist for the psychopaths!

Perhaps next you'll be telling us all that the government loves us and puts industrial flouride in our water because it cares about our teeth?

Out of curiosity what does your friend do for a living? Drone pilot?
Boy am i suprised to find you popping up to act the role of apologist for the psychopaths!

Perhaps next you'll be telling us all that the government loves us and puts industrial flouride in our water because it cares about our teeth?

Out of curiosity what does your friend do for a living? Drone pilot?

To any person who does not stereotype psycopaths you do not need an "apologist". In that one statement you just confirmed my statement as to your crude stereotyping of people as well as demonstrated your inherent dislike (im hesitant to say hatred, but it could go so far) which is an appalling attitude to have in any civilized society. And as for the fluoride thing, I have a general sense of disagreement with her conclusion of fluoride as applied to water systems, but I have trailed off my research on that for college.

And then as for what my friend does for a living has no impact on this argument for any sensible debate. Unless you want to try to use it as support for your ridiculous stereotype against psychopaths argument which would be incorrect. If you must know, he's a student in finance and physics.
There are different types of psychopaths, which you would know if you researched the topic. In fact the majority are just fine to be around, like my friend.
To any person who does not stereotype psycopaths you do not need an "apologist". In that one statement you just confirmed my statement as to your crude stereotyping of people as well as demonstrated your inherent dislike (im hesitant to say hatred, but it could go so far) which is an appalling attitude to have in any civilized society. And as for the fluoride thing, I have a general sense of disagreement with her conclusion of fluoride as applied to water systems, but I have trailed off my research on that for college.

And then as for what my friend does for a living has no impact on this argument for any sensible debate. Unless you want to try to use it as support for your ridiculous stereotype against psychopaths argument which would be incorrect. If you must know, he's a student in finance and physics.
There are different types of psychopaths, which you would know if you researched the topic. In fact the majority are just fine to be around, like my friend.


That's perfect! That's just fucking perfect!

That is a perfect career for him...he will be able to wreak untold damage on countless peoples lives that way and you know what the best part for him will be?

They'll reward him for his destruction! That's right....they'll give him bonus's! They won't arrest him, the other psychopaths will reward him!

''it's your world isn't it? And i bet you sleep like a fucking baby at night........Hi honey, yeah today we put arsenic in babies powdered milk, goodnight zzzzzz''- Bill Hicks
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