Post your mood in music format

If only...

People, let us calm the waters. Now. They are God's waters, and He will calm them if we do not. Trust His words.

The song today is as a prayer for a friend who is going through a lot right now with family and health issues. We are supposed to help each other. Life is not all about our own selves.
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This song never really resonated with me before. Funny how certain periods of your life can do that. You'll be listening to a song you like and suddenly realize what it actually means. Or you'll have a song pop in your head that you didn't ever really like but the lyrics just fit your mood. The subconscious is powerful. I think that's why I explore my mood and thought through music... Uncovers what was always there but unrealized.​

It's night time here and I can hear the chirping insects. This song has always reminded of a peculiar calm. A calm before the bustle. As if you are resting while knowing that tomorrow will bring another day but all you can see atm is the full moon and all you can feel is the cool breeze so you feel content for now.
Pretty sure a lot of people have been feeling this one way or another.

I awakened with this song in my mind. My Father used to sing it in a quartet. If any of you could know the musical ministers we used to go see and listen to in the background in the audience, they were all the best back then. I'll not name them and leave someone out. I would bet that song has been done thousands of times by all the greats sitting behind them. My Father would smile. The song lives on.

Happy early Easter.

He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul.

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