Post your mood in music format

Time to be awesome again
Posting this every few months is the only way I can get certain social media friends to even LIKE the same thing. There's so much arrogance, gloating, anger and hate in the world. Sad.

And now it's my mood. For a min at least.
Don't worry, time flies. Even thousands of hours flies. No... for real. Those people got thyroid cancer from asbestos... for real. Truthfully, the people I've ever connected with most are the brilliant or the old. I have already staked my life on this, and more. And here I am after having seen, endured, and experienced so much more than most people could even imagine, where we are.
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I know there was just a horrible conjecture Sci/fi part of me that feared for people's lives dying to invisible robots w/ horrible neurotoxins in them and I couldn't help feeling scared for the precious lives of the mass murderers. I never risked or sacrificed anything talking about those 9/11 nukes, no sir. Robotics is years in the future like that.