Post your mood in music format

Not even close.

Oh. I didn't realize there was a correct answer.
I think it's an interesting commentary on the difficulties of life and how people overlook or miss troubles we have.
Oh. I didn't realize there was a correct answer.
I think it's an interesting commentary on the difficulties of life and how people overlook or miss troubles we have.
"Lisa feels detached from the world and observes it from afar: "She lay in bed all night watching the colours change..."

She has some sort of mental disorder for which her doctor prescribes pills, but regardless of the pills, nothing anyone around her does helps her, if they really try at all: "They let Lisa go blind..."The blindness is a metaphor for her growing disillusionment with the world. She is going down, and like I said in my previous point--no one is helping to bring her up again.

Lisa tries to shake her apathy by pursuing new interests, like photography and pornography. But none of that works.

Lisa is able to put on a good show and pretend to be fine, but if she let anyone see her troubles, they'd know she's as badly off as the troubled teenagers and the barren mothers (nice irony there, btw). Her life and her feelings are the stuff of Dr. Phil, but no one talks to her, no one tries to find out--so no one knows.

The final verse baffled me for a long time. I read it as meaning she was opting out of the mainstream...orthopedic shoes generally aren't that fashionable. Now, reading it again, I think the meaning is more that she's seeking crutches, metaphorical shoes that will help her stand with less pain, but she still limps--they don't work. They're not the solution."

Doctors throwing pills at Lisa instead of getting to the root of what's really going on. Perhaps we should occasionally take the time to understand and listen to others. In any case this song truly is beautiful on so many levels.
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@Happy Phantom

lolol yea or maybe her life is just getting worse, first you go blind from the world's bullshit, then it becomes so overwhelming you can't even walk :m077:

Don't think of the movie.