Prayer Requests


Community Member
I just want to leave this thread here for anyone who needs prayer over anything, and I am aware that many people on the forum do not believe in religion, and I have a few friends here even that are against Christianity and religion in general, but I do not wish to leave this here to start a war between anyone, I just want anyone who needs prayer to be able to just leave it here if they wish.
If anyone out there is willing. Please send out well wish for my grandfather on my Squared side, who just got diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. He's home now, but fading like a movie transition. Great man and mentor.
A prayer request for my dear friend who is suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and undergoing chemo right now.
A prayer request for my estranged wife who doesn't understand what an INFJ is. We have been married only 4 short months, separated for two of them.
A prayer request for my children and myself, who is suffering from legal war waged against us from their late mother's side of the family.
Thank you for this thread. My prayers are with all of you. Xo
I have quite a few things tonight, and even prayer over one of these things would be appreciated :) :

* Pastor Saeed
* My Nana, who just had knee surgery
* Presidential election
* Our restaurant, which is not doing too well.
* My dad was offered an interview for a manager position at another restaurant, this would give him insurance as well as extra money flow for the home and business.
* I am also debating a mission trip to England through a program my church runs, but I am unsure if it is where I am meant to go yet, so just pray that where I need to go will become clear. It is also a gap year, so it would be for a full school year before I begin college, but since I am graduating a year early that would not be a setback in my career. The cost is somewhere in the $5000-$6000 range, but it is a wonderful opportunity to grow and minister.
* I am opening up my Etsy shop tomorrow with a few of the items available for sale, I will most likely set this money aside to save for the mission trip, but I may give it to my family's business anonymously.

Once again, I would like to state that I do not wish to offend anyone or start any religious debate, but just ask for those that share my faith pray over these things :) Anyone in need of prayer, just tag me and I will add it to my list <3

"For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them." Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
Well, I kinda don't feel deserving after reading all these prayer requests.
And I feel pretty bad about the fact that I am asking this for myself... >.>

Yet, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could like, pray for me to be alright, in both my Test & Deadline and that I may get over my burnout... >__<

I mean like, if you got other people who need praying for I understand... It's just that, I kinda need the support >.< Thanks if you'll do this for me :X
A prayer request for these tough days where I have lost my faith... in everything...
It may be only because I'm under too much pressure about everything... but I don't have the tiniest clue ...
Some of my friends here are not good these days ...
A pray request for these sad days ...

Wish you the best my beloved friends <3 :hug:
Please pray for my mom... <3 She's still very sick and I'm constantly worried about her. She isn't dying or anything but she suffers so much daily and it lowers the quality of her life drastically. :(
If anyone out there is willing. Please send out well wish for my grandfather on my Squared side, who just got diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. He's home now, but fading like a movie transition. Great man and mentor.

As for the follow up (and if you're still willing)...

Please keep my Squared family in mind as they mourn the loss of my Grandfather. He finally succumbed to cancer the other day. Good man. I'll never forget his voice. He always prayed so well. :)
Prayer request for family, please.