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The Vatican recently made an official statement that it will decide if there is alien life or not. BTW, can a non-earth terrestrial be called an alien in space?

I find it interesting. Why, now. I suspect they already have proof and want to give them time to pass out the idea slowly to their religious followers. Warm them up to the idea so they dont all go bat sh@T crazy in the streets when the official discovery is announced.

Knowing this does anyone want to predict the time frame for disclosure?
I can't see the fox science site (much as [MENTION=731]the[/MENTION] can't see color) can you report if they are talking about life in general or exo-terrestial sentient beings?
@Kanamori is pretty clued up on this issue; he might be able to shed some light
Hmmm....interesting. I mean...doesn't the idea of ETs go against the fundamentals of Christian faith?

Oh this is awesome. "Its not about what we have said the truth is, its about finding a way to change what we have said it is and still save face."

Sorry Foxnews link for those of you who cant see it.
Hmmm....interesting. I mean...doesn't the idea of ETs go against the fundamentals of Christian faith?

Initially yes but they will tell you that incorporating them is simply a matter of reinterpreting Gods words and intent. Something that we know humans are completely capable of doing accurately. After all, how hard can it possibly be to interpret the intent and words of the creator of the multiverse? (Insert sarcasm face here)

Oh wait, here we go.

images (1).webp
christians have been talking about aliens for hundreds of years they just call them 'angels' and 'demons'
Vatican't telescope called 'lucifer':


Oh this is awesome. "Its not about what we have said the truth is, its about finding a way to change what we have said it is and still save face."

Sorry Foxnews link for those of you who cant see it.

Yeah, that's how all institutions deriving their power from dogma have to act if they want to maintain their power.

It's easy to make the prediction now when the scientific community has been brewing about the plausibility of extraterrestrial intelligence for decades. They don't want to get pulled under now if they can instead ride the social wave that future evidence could create.

Tulpa (Tibetan: སྤྲུལ་པ, Wylie: sprul-pa; Sanskrit: निर्मित nirmita[SUP][1][/SUP] and निर्माण nirmāṇa;[SUP][2][/SUP] Japanese: タルパ tarupa;[SUP][3][/SUP] "to build" or "to construct") also translated as "magical emanation",[SUP][4][/SUP] "conjured thing" [SUP][5][/SUP] and "phantom" [SUP][6][/SUP] is a concept in mysticism of a being or object which is created through sheer spiritual or mental discipline alone. It is defined in Indian Buddhist texts as any unreal, illusory or mind created apparition. According to Alexandra David-Néel, tulpas are "magic formations generated by a powerful concentration of thought." It is a materialized thought that has taken physical form and is usually regarded as synonymous to a thoughtform.[

Indian Buddhism

One early Buddhist text, the Samaññaphala Sutta lists the ability to create a “mind-made body” (mano-maya-kaya) as one of the 'fruits of the contemplative life'. Commentarial tantric texts such as the Patisambhidamagga and the Visuddhimagga state that this mind-made body is how the Buddha and other Buddhists Arhats are able to travel into heavenly realms using the continuum of the mindtream ("Boddhi") and it is also used to explain the multiplication miracle of the Buddha as illustrated in the Divyavadana, in which the Buddha multiplied his emanation body ("nirmita") into countless other bodies which filled the sky. A Buddha or other realized being is able to project many such "nirmitas" simultaneously in an infinite variety of forms, in different realms simultaneously.[SUP][8][/SUP] The Indian Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu defined nirmita (tulpa) as a siddhi or psychic power (Pali: iddhi, Skt: ṛddhi) developed through Buddhist discipline, concentrative discipline and wisdom, (samadhi) in his seminal work on Buddhist philosophy, the Abhidharmakośa. Asanga's Bodhisattvabhūmi, defines nirmāṇa as a magical illusion and “basically, something without a basis”.[SUP][9][/SUP] The Buddhist Madhyamaka school of philosophy sees all reality as empty of essence, all reality is seen as a form of nirmita or magical illusion.
Tibetan Buddhism

Tulpa is a spiritual discipline and teachings concept in Tibetan Buddhism and Bon. The term “thoughtform” is used as early as 1927 in Evans-Wentz' translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. John Myrdhin Reynolds in a note to his English translation of the life story of Garab Dorje defines a tulpa as “an emanation or a manifestation.”[SUP][1][/SUP]
As the Tibetan use of the tulpa concept is described in the book Magical Use of Thoughtforms, the student was expected to come to the understanding that the tulpa was just a hallucination. While they were told that the tulpa was a genuine deity, "The pupil who accepted this was deemed a failure – and set off to spend the rest of his life in an uncomfortable hallucination."[SUP][10][/SUP]
Alexandra David-Néel

The term is used in the works of Alexandra David-Néel, a Belgian-French explorer, spiritualist and Buddhist, who observed these practices in 20th century Tibet. Alexandra wrote that “an accomplished Bodhisattva is capable of effecting ten kinds of magic creations. The power of producing magic formations, tulkus or less lasting and materialized tulpas, does not, however, belong exclusively to such mystic exalted beings. Any human, divine or demoniac being may be possessed of it. The only difference comes from the degree of power, and this depends on the strength of the concentration and the quality of the mind itself.”[SUP][11][/SUP] Alexandra also wrote of the tulpa's ability to develop a mind of its own: “Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker's control. This, say Tibetan occultists, happens nearly mechanically, just as the child, when his body is completed and able to live apart, leaves its mother's womb.”[SUP][12][/SUP] Alexandra claimed to have created a tulpa in the image of a jolly Friar Tuck-like monk which later developed a life of its own and had to be destroyed.[SUP][13][/SUP] Alexandra raised the possibility that her experience was illusory: “I may have created my own hallucination.”

Thought-form of the Music of Gounod, according to Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater in Thought Forms (1901)

A thoughtform is the equivalent concept to a tulpa but within the Western occult tradition. The Western understanding is believed by some to have originated as an interpretation of the Tibetan concept.[SUP][7][/SUP] Its concept is related to the Western philosophy and practice of magic.[SUP][14][/SUP]
Modern perspective

Today, there are people who attempt to create what they call tulpas or imaginary friends of their own. A number of web sites explain the methods people use to create tulpas of this sort.[SUP][15][/SUP] Chidambaram Ramesh, an Indian author and researchers, in his book "Thought Forms and Hallucinations" has mentioned that the creation of thought forms and other mental entities like Tulpa etc., is the result of holographic mind processing.
See also



  • Music_of_Gounod_-_Annie_Besant_Thought_Form_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_16269.webp
    66.6 KB · Views: 1
[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] so what are you trying to say with the information dump?
Yes, they're already here, the evidence is overwhelming. Military/intelligence whistleblowers, pilots, random people have all seen objects which are clearly doing things in the sky beyond what we're generally capable of. In fact they've probably been here pre-diluvian, at the latest. Devas, asuras and flying chariots, angels and demons. E.g., Elijah, Enoch, Bhavigad Gita, Mahabharata, Quetzalcoatl, Djinn, etc. Given the reality of the modern UFOs, my guess is that "flying chariots" and flaming wheels in the sky, the vehicles of the gods (we still use horsepower to describe an engine's power), were also ETs. In fact, Jesus called us little g gods of our own right. You can get into legitimate debates about whether they are from other planets or have somehow been around on Earth for as long as us and are interdimensional entities of some sort, but it seems to me most likely that at least some are offworld intelligences, and maybe time-travelers. Whatever the whole truth is, it's probably one of those cases of it being stranger than fiction. I just hope it's not fascist coverup, and that there's some better reason than hoarding technology for national security (ie oil money), at least some sort of vindication. All of the lies in the name of national security, the torture and shenanigans are obviously bad for our society and have made it violently schizophrenic.

I suppose a part of their concern has always been rioting, but we're 60+ years into the coverup. People within the UN, and western intelligence apparatus/co-op have known for a while, soviets and others have been shot down trying to intercept and shoot them down. Some of the Nazis knew and it was probably the inspiration for their tech, ie the Bell Project and their flying saucers and just knowing it is possible and only needing to understand how.

IIRC, there have been a few people high up in the Vatican who have talked about ETs and how they're also God's children... Monsignor Balducci was one example. IMHO, the people most invested in ETs not being here are 'scientists', and not religions. Timeline on disclosure? I don't really know, we have been acclimated somewhat through the media (liberally sprinkled with disinfo from somebody) but probably within a decade, if not sooner. Snowden might have something on them, or wikileaks. Having to explain that it's been lied about is something they're not keen on doing, probably more than just for selfish reasons, but effort should be made moreso to make it peaceful rather than keep it from happening altogether, because personally, I don't want to stay on Earth forever, and it's obviously our right to know something so profound, and not just legally. What they have now are people who have been fed lies to their world view and essentially been educated stupid. Instead of having a bunch of people who understand the gravity of what is ahead of us, we have people who are mostly clueless. The secrecy has fueled international paranoia globally, and turned into its own destabalizing force. I don't envy anyone in a position of responsibility now, but ignoring it isn't going to make it go away.

... Recently Podesta was brought into the administration, but he and 'they' have tried to get some sort of disclosure before.
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@muir so what are you trying to say with the information dump?

Just giving food for thought

I think Mckennas perspective is interesting

I also posted some info about thought forms to illustrate the power of the human mind

Clearly people are having encounters of some kind; the question is: 'what is the nature of those encounters?'