^this. At least if I'm understanding Lerxst correctly.
I mean, maybe it's just me but I don't think anyone really knows their sexuality until they actually start having sex. Maybe part of the idea of saving it for marriage is to mutually discover that world with someone but I didn't realize what I really liked or didn't like until I had some experience to weigh against any assumptions or ideals. The thought of blindly rolling the dice on that and hoping I don't wind up with someone incompatible is really scary - cause I know that's just not something I (or I imagine most people) find wildly negotiable in a relationship. Perhaps that can be sussed out to an extent of ahead of time via talking, but no more than two people discussing what kind of steaks they want when they've never eaten one.
So no regrets there.
As far as hookup culture, well, it's worth exploring just for a short bit when you're young, I think - if you're careful (STD's) and never get too caught up in it, anyway. I look back at that time in my life and cringe a lot because... Jesus...just being that guy. But by the same token, I'm glad I won't turn old and wonder why I'd never gotten off my ass, gone out and connected with women that way because, at the core of it, it's a foundational part of being human and alive; just the desire to fuck and seek that out. Who wants to miss such a central part of the human experience? I didn't. At least not to the extent I'd be an old man wondering what it would've been like to actually fuck to satiety instead of just staying in my room, alone watching a paid actress on a monitor.